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ГОСТ Р МЭК 60601-1-8-2007 Изделия медицинские электрические. Часть 1-8. Общие требования безопасности. Общие требования, испытания и руководящие указания по применению систем сигнализации медицинских электрических изделий и медицинских электрических систем



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[2] ISO 11429:1996, Ergonomics - System of auditory and visual danger and information signals

[3] ISO 14971:2000, Medical devices - Risk management - Application of risk management to medical devices

[4] IEC 60513:1994, Fundamental aspects of safety standards for medical electrical equipment

[5] AAMI EC57-293, Testing and reporting performance results of cardiac rhythm and ST segment measurement algorithms

[6] ANSI/AAMI HE48 - 1993, Human factors engineering guidelines and preferred practices for the design of medical devices


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[10] BLOCK, FE. Jr., NUUTINEN, L., BAALLAST, B. Optimization of alarms: A study on alarm limits, alarm sounds, and false alarms, intended to reduce annoyance. J Clin Monit Comput, 1999, 15, p.75-83

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[26] ISO 9703-2, Anesthesia and respiratory care alarm signals - Part 2: Auditory alarm signals

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М.: Стандартинформ, 2008