[1] | ISO 9000:2015, Quality management systems - Fundamentals and vocabulary (Системы менеджмента качества. Основные положения и словарь) |
[2] | ISO 9001:2015, Quality management systems - Requirements (Системы менеджмента качества. Требования) |
[3] | ISO 9004:2009, Managing for the sustained success of an organization - A quality management approach (Менеджмент с целью достижения устойчивого успеха организации. Подход с позиции менеджмента качества) |
[4] | ISO 14001:2015, Environmental management systems - Requirements with guidance for use (Системы экологического менеджмента. Требования и руководство по применению) |
[5] | ISO 14004:2004, Environmental management systems - General guidelines on principles, systems and support techniques (Системы экологического менеджмента. Общее руководство по принципам, системам и методам обеспечения функционирования) |
[6] | ISO 14020:2000, Environmental labels and declarations - General principles (Этикетки и декларации экологические. Общие принципы) |
[7] | ISO 14021:1999, Environmental labels and declarations - Self-declared environmental claims (Type II environmental labelling) (Этикетки и декларации экологические. Самодекларируемые экологические заявления (Экологическая маркировка по типу II)) |
[8] | ISO 14021:1999/Amd.1:2011, Environmental labels and declarations - Self-declared environmental claims (Type II environmental labelling) - Amendment 1 (Этикетки и декларации экологические. Самодекларируемые экологические заявления (Экологическая маркировка по типу II). Изменение 1) |
[9] | ISO 14024:1999, Environmental labels and declarations - Type I environmental labelling - Principles and procedures (Экологические знаки и декларации. Экологическое этикетирование типа 1. Принципы и процедуры) |
[10] | ISO 14025:2006, Environmental labels and declarations - Type III environmental declarations - Principles and procedures (Экологические знаки и декларации. Экологические декларации типа III. Принципы и процедуры) |
[11] | ISO 14031:2013, Environmental management - Environmental performance evaluation - Guidelines (Экологический менеджмент. Оценивание экологической эффективности. Руководство) |
[12] | ISO 14040:2006, Environmental management - Life cycle assessment - Principles and framework (Экологический менеджмент. Оценка жизненного цикла. Принципы и структурная схема) |
[13] | ISO 14040:2006, Environmental management - Life cycle assessment - Principles and framework (Экологический менеджмент. Оценка жизненного цикла. Принципы и структурная схема) |
[14] | ISO 14044:2006, Environmental management - Life cycle assessment - Requirements and guidelines (Экологический менеджмент. Оценка жизненного цикла. Требования и руководящие указания) |
[15] | ISO/TS 14048:2002, Environmental management - Life cycle assessment - Data documentation format (Экологический менеджмент. Оценка жизненного цикла. Формат документации данных) |
[16] | Conception de produits et environnement, 90 examples d'eco-conception (Product design and environment, 90 examples of eco-design), ADEME Editions, Paris, 1999 |
[17] | Design for Environment: Building Partnerships for Environmental Improvement, EPA/744/R-97/005, July 1999. US EPA, Washington DC, 20460. USA |
[18] | DIN Fachbericht 108, Leitfaden fur die Berticksichtigung von Utnweltaspekten bei der Produktnormung und - entwicklung (DIN Technical Report 108, Guide for the consideration of environmental aspects in product standardisation and development), Beuth-Verlag, Berlin, 2001 (in German) |
[19] | Jensen C., Johansson M., Lindahl M. and Magnusson T., Environmental Effect Analysis (EEA) - Principles and structure, HRM/Ritline AB, SE-417 64 Gothenburg VI, Association of Swedish Engineering Industries, Box 5510, SE-114 85 Stockholm and Department of Technology, Kalmar Institute of Technology, SE-391 82 Kalmar, 2000 |
[20] | Handbuch Was ist EcoDesign? Ein Handbuch fur okologische und dkonomische Gestaltung, (Guide What is EcoDesign? A guide for environmentally and economically sound design), Umweltbundesamt Berlin, October 2000, (in German and English) |
[21] | Journal of sustainable product design. Quarterly journal, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Netherlands, ISSN 1367-6679 |
[22] | Masui K., Sakao T., Aizawa S. and Inaba A., Design for Environment in Early Stage of Product Development using Quality Function Development, presented at the Joint International Congress and Exhibition, "Electronics Goes Green 2000", Berlin, Germany, September 2000 |
[23] | Lewis H., Gertsakis J., Morelli N., Sweatman A. and Grant T., Design + Environment, A Global Guide to Designing Greener Goods, Greenleaf Publisting, Sheffield UK, 2001 |
[24] | M. Charter (ed.) Managing eco-design, training solution, Centre for Sustainable Design, Farnham: UK, 1997 |
[25] | Yamato M., A Study of EMS and LCA Application in Automobile Eco Design, (SAE Technical Paper 982203) presented at "Total Life Cycle Conference", Austria, 1998 |
[26] | Grisel L. and Duranthon G., Pratiquer I'eco-conception - Lignes directrices, Collection AFNOR Pratique, Editions AFNOR, La Plaine Saint-Denis, France, septembre 2001 |
[27] | Program for product design evaluation, developed by the Telecommunications Informatic Networks Division of Siemens Argentina, based on the Siemens AG Munich's Environmentally Compatible Products Program. Source: Argentine Business Council for Sustainable Development Annual Eco-Efficiency Cases Publication (2000), Website of WBCSD: www.wbcsd.org, and IRAM (Documentation Center and Energy and Environmental Standardization Department: ltrama@iram.org.ar.) |
[28] | Ritzen SIntegrating Environmental Aspects into Product Development - Proactive Measures. Royal Institute of Technology (KTH). Stockholm, Sweden, 2000 |
[29] | Quella, F. (ed.). Umweltvertragliche Produktgestaltung (Environmentally compatible product design). Siemens Fachpublikation, Wiley-VCH Verlag, Weinheim, 1998 (in German) |
[30] | M. Charter and U. Tischner (eds). Sustainable solutions, Greenleaf Publishing, Sheffield UK, 2001, ISBN 1874 7193 65 |
[31] | Takagi T. and Yokoyama H., Ecodesign toward Green Productivity. APO (Asian Productivity Organization) Productivity Journal, Winter, 2000, pp 54-66 |
[32] | Jansen A.J., The Environmental Product Assessment (EPAss) Manual - A method for the assessment of consumer products focused on environmental aspects. Konstruktie memo K 378 Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands, June 1998 (provides supporting information for 7.3, especially stages 1 and 2) |
[33] | Brezet J.C., Bijma A.S., Ehrenfeld J. and Silvester S., The design of eco-efficient services - Methods, tools and review of case study based 'designing eco-efficient services' project. Design for sustainability program, Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands 2001 (published by the Ministry of Housing, Physical Planning and Environment, The Hague, Netherlands) |
[34] | Wimmer W., and Zust R. Ecodesign - Pilot, Produkt-lnnovations-, Lern-und Optimierungs-Tool fur umweltgerechte Produktgestaltung with German/English CD-ROM, Verlag Industrielle Organisation, Zurich 2001 |
[35] | Z762-95 (R2001), Design for the Environment, Canadian Standards Association |
[36] | A. Karna (ed.) Environmentally oriented product design: A guide for companies in the electrical and electronics industry. 2nd edn., The Federation of Finnish Electrical and Electronics Industry, August 2001 (English edition available from http://www/electroind.fi/documents/main_product_design.html) |
[37] | Environment Australia (2001), Product Innovation - The Green Advantage. An Introduction to Design for Environment for Australian Business, Canberra, Australia. ISBN 0 642 54723 8. Available from http://www.ea.gov.au/industry/eecp/tools/tools6.html |
[38] | Karlsson M. (2001); Green Concurrent Engineering: A Modelfor DFEManagement Program. The International Industrial Institute for Environmental Economics at Lund University (IIIEE). Lund, Sweden. (www.iiiee.lu.se/nformation/librarv/publications/dissertations/2001/Karlsson.html) |
[39] | Module de sensibilisation a I'eco-conception, ADEME, Ministere der Amenagement du Territoire et de I'Environnement, juille t2001, site web: http://www.ademe.fr/entreprises/Management-env/Approche-produit/lnnovation.htm |
[40] | National Research Council of Canada, Design for environment Guide, www.nrc.ca/dfe |
[41] | US Environmental Protection Agency, List of related publications: www.epa.gov/opptintr/librarv/ppicdist.htm |
[42] | Austrian Ecodesign Information Platform: http://www.ecodesign.at (in German and English, all relevant information available for DFE (theory and practise)) |
[43] | Centre for Design at RMIT website www.cfd.rmit.edu.au |
[44] | Handbog i produktorienteret milj0arbejde, Miljonyt nr. 53/2000, Danish Environmental Protection Agency, www.mst.dk |
[45] | IPP andEco-product development. The Centre for Sustainable Design, Institute of Art and Design. University College, (http://www.cfsd.prg.uk/discus/index.html) |
[46] | Political community sector references regarding integrated product policy (IPP): www.europa.eu.ent/comm/environment/ipp/ (English homepage) |
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Ключевые слова: экологический менеджмент, экологические аспекты, интегрирование экологических аспектов в проектирование и разработку продукции, негативные воздействия на окружающую среду |
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