Таблица 4
Термин | Номер термина |
Abrupt junction | 5 |
Active part of base region | 29 |
Alloyed junction | 12 |
Anode terminal (of a semiconductor device) | 131 |
Avalanche rectifier diode | 69a |
Avalanche reverse blocking thyristor | 117a |
Avalanche transistor | 99 |
Barrier region (layer) | 40 |
Base region | 26 |
Base thickness modulation | 50 |
Beam lead semiconductor device | 134 |
Bi-directional diode thyristor | 109 |
Bi-directional transistor | 104 |
Bi-directional triode thyristor | 113 |
Bipolar transistor | 94 |
Breakdown of a P-N junction | 45 |
Cathode terminal (of a semiconductor device) | 130 |
Channel | 31 |
Collector junction | 22 |
Collector region | 28 |
Controlled-avalanche rectifier diode | 69б |
Conversion junction | 11 |
Depletion layer | 39 |
Detector diode | 84 |
Diffused junction | 9 |
Diffusion transistor | 95 |
Diode thyristor | 106 |
Drain | 33 |
Drift (diffused) transistor | 96 |
Electrode (of a semiconductor device) | 135а |
Emitter junction | 21 |
Emitter region | 27 |
Enriched layer | 41 |
Epitaxial junction | 15 |
Excess carrier resorption (in the base) | 53 |
Field-effect transistor | 100 |
Forward direction (of a P-N junction) | 43 |
Forward recovery | 54 |
Gate | 34 |
Gate terminal (of a semiconductor device) | 132 |
Gate triggering of a thyristor | 60 |
Gate turning-off of a thyristor | 61 |
Graded junction | 6 |
Grown junction | 14 |
Gunn diode | 81 |
Heterogenous junction | 16 |
Homogenous junction | 17 |
Impact avalanche-(and-) transit time diode | 77 |
Infra-red-emitting diode | 127 |
Injection-(and-) transit time diode | 78 |
Insulated-gate FET | 101 |
Intrinsic region | 25 |
Inversion layer | 42 |
Junction | 1 |
Junction diode | 68 |
Junction transistor | 98 |
Light-emitting diode (LED) | 122 |
Main terminal | 129 |
Mesa-structure | 38 |
Micro-alloy junction | 13 |
Microwave diode | 76 |
Microwave limiting diode | 85 |
Minority carrier storage (in the base) | 52 |
MIS-structure | 36 |
MIS-transistor | 102 |
MOS-structure | 37 |
MOS-transistor | 103 |
N-gate thyristor | 117 |
N-N+ junction | 3 |
N-region | 24 |
Off-state of a thyristor | 56 |
Ommic junction | 20 |
On-state of a thyristor | 57 |
Optocoupler | 121 |
Package (case) (of a semiconductor device) | 133 |
Passive part of base region | 30 |
P-gate thyristor | 116 |
Photocoupler | 121 |
Photoconductive cell | 127в |
Photodiode | 127а |
Photothyristor | 127г |
Phototransistor | 127б |
PIN diode | 83 |
Planar junction | 10 |
P-N junction | 2 |
(P-N junction) avalanche breakdown | 47 |
P-N junction electrical breakdown | 46 |
(P-N junction) thermal breakdown | 49 |
Point-contact diode | 67 |
Point-contact junction | 8 |
Point-contact transistor | 97 |
P-P | 4 |
P-region | 23 |
Pulse thyristor | 118 |
Punch-through | 51 |
Rectifying junction | 19 |
Reverse blocking diode thyristor | 107 |
Reverse blocking state of a thyristor | 58 |
Reverse blocking triode thyristor | 111 |
Reverse conducting diode thyristor | 108 |
Reverse conducting triode thyristor | 112 |
Reverse direction (of a P-N junction) | 44 |
Reverse recovery | 55 |
Schottky (-barrier) diode | 88 |
Schottky junction | 18 |
Semiconductor analog indicator | 126 |
Semiconductor assembly | 64 |
Semiconductor assembly set | 65 |
Semiconductor character display | 120а |
Semiconductor device | 62 |
Semiconductor diode | 66 |
Semiconductor frequency multiplication diode | 86 |
Semiconductor mixer diode | 80 |
Semiconductor modulator diode | 87 |
Semiconductor noise diode | 93 |
Semiconductor optoelectronic device | 119 |
Semiconductor optoelectronic display | 126 |
Semiconductor parametric (amplifier) diode | 90 |
Semiconductor photoemitter | 120 |
Semiconductor power device | 63 |
Semiconductor rectifier assembly | 71 |
Semiconductor rectifier diode | 69 |
Semiconductor rectifier stack | 70 |
Signal diode | 72 |
Snap-off (stec-recovery) diode | 73 |
Source | 32 |
Structure | 35 |
Surface junction | 7 |
Switching diode | 79 |
Switching of a thyristor | 59 |
Terminal (of a semiconductor device) | 128 |
Thyristor | 105 |
Triac | 113 |
Triode thyristor | 110 |
Tunnel diode | 74 |
Turn-off thyristor | 114 |
Unitunnel (backward) diode | 75 |
Variable capacitance diode | 89 |
Voltage reference diode | 91 |
Zenner (tunnel) breakdown | 48 |
(Измененная редакция, Изм. N 2, 4).