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Статус документа

ГОСТ Р 56561-2015/ISO/TR 11827:2012 Материалы текстильные. Определение состава. Идентификация волокон



Identification of Textile Materials, Seventh Edition, The Textile Institute, 1985.


"Les Textiles", Institut Textile de France (former name of IFTH).


JIS L 1030-1, Testing methods for quantitative analysis of fibre mixtures-Part 1: Testing methods for fibre identification.


AATCC Test Method 20, Fibre Analysis - Qualitative.


AATCC Test Method 20A Fibre Analysis - Quantitative.


AATCC Fiber Identification Supplement to AATCC Test Methods 20 and 20A.


"Fibre Labelling. Polylactide - Cargill Dow", P.Piccinini, C.Senaldi, EUR 21001 EN, 2003.


"Fibre Labelling. Elastomultiester- DuPont", P.Piccinini, C.Senaldi, EUR 21760 EN, 2005.


"Fibre Labelling. Elastolefin - Dow Chemicals", P.Piccinini, E.Buriova, S.Yazgan, C.Senaldi, EUR 22308 EN, 2006.


"Fibre Labelling. Melamine - Basofil", P.Piccinini, E.Buriova, C.Senaldi, S.Yazgan, EUR 23482 EN, 2008, ISBN 978-92-79-09577-1.


"Fibre Labelling. Polypropylene/polyamide bicomponent - Aquafil", P.Piccinini, R.Alvarez-Sarandes, M.De Sertorio, M.Trantallidi, EUR 24574 EN, 2010, ISBN 978-92-79-17456-8.


"Identification of textile fibres", Max M.Houck, Woodhead Publishing, 2009.


"Microscopy of textile fibres", P.H.Greaves, B.P.Saville, H Greaves, Royal Microscopical Society, 1995.


"Characterization of Plastics by Physical Methods", Hanser Publishers, Munich, 1986.


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A.Crook and P.J.Taylor. Chem. & Industr., 1958, 25 Jan., 95.


B.H.Baxter and N.A.Puttnam. Nature, 1965, 207, 288.


P.A.Wilks and M.R.Izard. "Internal Reflectance Spectra of Fibres and Fabrics", Wilks Scientific Corporation, 1964.


N.M.Morris. Textile Chemist and Colorist, 1991, 27(4), 19.


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M.W.Tungol, E.G.Bartick and A.Montaser, Applied Spectroscopy, 1990, 44(4), 543.


D.Hummel "Kunstoff, Lack- und Gummi Analyse", Carl Hanser Verlag, Munich, 1958.


D.O.Hummel "Infrared Analysis of Polymers, Resins & Additives - An Atlas, Vol. 1 Plastics, Elastomers, Fibres and Resins, Part 2 Spectra, Tables, Index." Wiley-lnterscience, London, 1969.


D.O.Hummel "Atlas of Polymer and Plastics Analysis Vol. 2 Plastics, Fibres, Rubbers, Resins; Starting and Auxiliary Materials, Degradation Products." Carl Hanser Verlag, Munich, 1984.


"The Sadtler Infrared Spectra Atlas of Monomers and Polymers", Heyden & Son Ltd., London, 1990.


"The Documentation of Molecular Spectroscopy (D.M.S.) Punched Cards", Butterworths Scientific Publications, London.


"The Wyandotte-A.S.T.M. System", American Society for Testing Materials.


ISO 11357-1 Plastics - Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) - Part 1: General principles (ИСО 11357-1, Пластмассы. Дифференциальная сканирующая калориметрия (ДСК). Часть 1. Общие принципы)


ISO 11357-3 Plastics - Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) - Part 3: Determination oftemperature and enthalpy of melting and crystallisation (ИСО 11357-3, Пластмассы. Дифференциальная сканирующая калориметрия (ДСК). Часть 3. Определение температуры и энтальпии плавления и кристаллизации)


ISO 1183-2 Plastics - Methods for determining the density of non-cellular plastics - Part 2: Density gradient column method (ИСО 1183-2, Пластмассы. Методы определения плотности непористых пластмасс. Часть 2. Метод с использованием колонки градиента плотности)

УДК 677.014.5:006.354

ОКС 59.060.01

Ключевые слова: текстильные материалы, состав, определение, волокна, идентификация, методы, термины, определения, свойства, изменения, фотографии, спектры, сравнения


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