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Статус документа

ГОСТ Р ИСО 16634-1-2011 Продукты пищевые. Определение общего содержания азота путем сжигания по методу Дюма и расчет содержания сырого протеина. Часть 1. Масличные культуры и корма для животных (Переиздание)



ISO 542

Oilseeds - Sampling


ISO 1871

Food products - General guidelines for the determination of nitrogen by the Kjeldahl method


ISO 5500

Oilseed residues - Sampling


ISO 5725-1

Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results - Part 1: General principles and definitions


ISO 5725-2

Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results - Part 2: Basic method for the determination of repeatability and reproducibility of a standard measurement method


ISO 5983-1

Animal feeding stuffs - Determination of nitrogen content and calculation of crude protein content - Part 1: Kjeldahl method


ISO 5983-2

Animal feeding stuffs - Determination of nitrogen content and calculation of crude protein content - Part 2: Block digestion/steam distillation method


ISO 6497

Animal feeding stuffs - Sampling


ISO 13690

Cereals, pulses and milled products - Sampling of static batches


ISO 148911/IDF 185

Milk and milk products - Determination of nitrogen content - Routine method using combustion according to the Dumas principle


ISO 20483

Cereals and pulses - Determination of the nitrogen content and calculation of the crude protein content - Kjeldahl method


ICC Standard No. 167, Determination of crude protein in grain and grain products for food and feed by the Dumas combustion principle


AACC approved method 46-30: Crude protein - Combustion method. In: AACC approved methods. American Association of Cereal Chemists, St. Paul, MN, 2002. Available (2008-04-08) from http://www.aaccnet.org


 AOAC official method 992.23: Crude protein in cereal grains and oilseeds. In: Official methods of analysis of AOAC International. AOAC International, Washington, DC, 2002. Available (2008-04-08) from http://eoma.aoac.org


 AOAC official method 997.09: Nitrogen in beer, wort, and brewing grains: Protein (total) by calculation - Combustion method. ASBC-AOAC Method. In: Official methods of analysis of AOAC International. AOAC International, Washington, DC, 2002. Available (2008-04-08) from http://eoma.aoac.org


AOAC official method 990.03: Protein (crude) in animal feed. Combustion method. In: Official methods of analysis of AOAC International. AOAC International, Washington, DC, 2002. Available (2008-04-08) from http://eoma.aoac.org


AOCS official method Ba 4f-00: Combustion method for determination of crude protein in soybean meal. In: Official methods and recommended practices of the AOCS, FIRESTONE, D.E., editor. AOCS Press, Champaign, IL, 1997. Available (2008-04-08) from http://www.aocs.org


AOCS official method Ba 4e-93: Generic combustion method for determination of crude protein. In: Official methods and recommended practices of the AOCS, FIRESTONE, D.E., editor. AOCS Press, Champaign, IL, 1997. Available (2008-04-08) from http://www.aocs.org


AOCS official method Bc 4-91: Nitrogen-ammonia-protein modified Kjeldahl method titanium oxide + copper sulfate catalyst. In: Official methods and recommended practices of the AOCS, FIRESTONE, D.E., editor. AOCS Press, Champaign, IL, 1997. Available (2008-04-08) from http://www.aocs.org


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BICSAK R.C. Comparison of Kjeldahl method for determination of crude protein in cereal grains and oilseeds with generic combustion method: Collaborative study. J. AOAC Int. 1993, 76, p.780-786


BUCKEE G.K. Determination of total nitrogen in barley, malt and beer by Kjeldahl procedures and the Dumas combustion method - Collaborative trial. J. Inst. Brew. 1994, 100, p.57-64


DAUN J.K., DECLERCQ D.R. Comparison of combustion and Kjeldahl methods for determination of nitrogen in oilseeds. J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 1994, 71, p.1047-1078


DONHAUSER S., GEIGER E., BRIEM F. Automatic nitrogen measurement using a combustion method. Brauwelt Int. 1993, (3), p.219-221


ELLEN G., MAHULETTE G.G. Stikstofbepaling in zuivelproducten: Dumas evenaart Kjeldahl [Nitrogen determination in dairy products: Dumas equals Kjeldahl]. Voedingsmiddelen-technol. 1997, 30 (3), p.25-29


ETHERIDGE R.D., PESTI G.M., FOSTER E.H.A. A comparison of nitrogen values obtained utilizing the Kjeldahl nitrogen and Dumas combustion methodologies (Leco CNS 2000) on samples typical of an animal nutrition analytical laboratory. Animal Feed Sci. Technol. 1998, 73, p.21-28


FOSTER A. Alternative method for analysis of total protein using the nitrogen determinator. J. Am. Soc. Brew. Chem. 1989, 47, p.42-43


FRISTER H., FEIER U., GOETSCH P.-H. Direct determination of nitrogen content by Dumas analysis: Interlaboratory study on precision characteristics. AOAC International - Europe Section, 4th International Symposium, Nyon, Switzerland, 1994


JOHANSSON C.-G. Determination of total nitrogen in barley and malt by combustion method: Collaborative trial. Monatsschr. Brauwiss. 1996, 49, p.326-330


KINGBRINK M., SEBRANEK J.G. Combustion method for determination of crude protein in meat and meat products: Collaborative study. J. AOAC Int. 1993, 76, p.787-793


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SCHUSTER M., MORWARID M., SATTES, H. [The determination of the protein content in feedstuffs by the Dumas method]. In: 103. VDLUFA-Kongress, Ulm, Germany, 1991-09-16 to 21, p.526-531. VDLUFA, Darmstadt


SMITH I.D. Evaluation of the Foss-Heraeus macro N for the determination of nitrogen in a wide range of foodstuffs, ingredients and biological materials and comparison with the Kjelfoss. Anal. Proc. 1991, 28, p.320-324


SWEENEY R.A. Generic combustion method for determination of crude protein in feeds: Collaborative study. J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem. 1989, 72, p.770-774


TKACHUK R. Nitrogen-to-protein conversion factors for cereals and oilseed meals. Cereal Chem. 1969, 46, p.419-423


WINKLER R., BOTTERBRODT S., RABE E., LINDHAUER M.G. Stickstoff-/Proteinbestimmung mit der Dumas-Methode in Getreide und Getreideprodukten [Nitrogen/protein determination in wheat and wheat products (flour and meal) by the Dumas method]. Getreide Mehl Brot 2000, 54, p.86-91


JOINT FAO/WHO AD HOC EXPERT COMMITTEE ON ENERGY AND PROTEIN REQUIREMENTS. Energy and protein requirements: Report of a Joint FAO/WHO Ad Hoc Expert Committee, Rome, 22 March-2 April 1971. Rome, Food and Agriculture Organization, 1973. 118 p. (FAO Nutrition Meetings Report, No. 52; WHO Technical Report, No. 522.)


BELLOMONTE G., COSTANTINI A., GIAMMARIOLI S. Comparison of modified automatic Dumas method and the traditional Kjeldahl method for nitrogen determination in infant food. J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem. 1987, 70, p.227-229


JUNG S., RICKERT D.A., DEAK N.A., ALDIN E.D., RECKNOR J., JOHNSON L.A., MURPHY P.A. Comparison of Kjeldahl and Dumas methods for determining protein contents of soybean products. J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 2003, 80, p.1169-1173


SCHMITTER B.M., RIHS T. Evaluation of a macrocombustion method for total nitrogen determination in feedstuffs. J. Agric. Food Chem. 1989, 37, p.992-994


SIMONNE A.H., SIMONNE E.H., EITENMILLER R.R., MILLS H.A., CRESMAN C.P Could the Dumas method replace the Kjeldahl digestion for nitrogen and crude protein determinations in foods? J. Sci. Food Agric. 1997, 73, p.39-45


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WILES P.G., GRAY I.K., KISSLING R.C. Routine analysis of proteins by Kjeldahl and Dumas methods: Review and interlaboratory study using dairy products. J. AOAC Int. 1998, 81, p.620-632

УДК 663/664.777:006.354

ОКС 65.120



Ключевые слова: масличные культуры, корма для животных, общее содержание азота, метод Дюма, расчет содержания сырого протеина, термины и определения, подготовка к определению, расчет и обработка результатов, прецизионность

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