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Статус документа

ГОСТ 31274-2004 (ИСО 3741:1999) Шум машин. Определение уровней звуковой мощности по звуковому давлению. Точные методы для реверберационных камер



[1] ИСО 9295:1998

Акустика. Измерение высокочастотного шума, излучаемого компьютерами и офисным оборудованием

(ISO 9295:1988)

(Acoustics - Measurement of high-frequency noise emitted by computer and business equipment)

[2] ИСО 7574-2:1985

Акустика. Статистические методы определения и подтверждения установленных значений шумовых характеристик машин и оборудования. Часть 2: Методы для единичных машин

(ISO 7574-2:1985)

(Acoustics - Statistical methods for determining and verifying stated noise emission values of machinery and equipment - Part 2: Methods for stated values for individual machines)

[3] ИСО 7574-3:1985

Акустика. Статистические методы определения и подтверждения установленных значений шумовых характеристик машин и оборудования. Часть 3: Упрощенный метод для партии машин

(ISO 7574-3:1985)

(Acoustics - Statistical methods for determining and verifying stated noise emission values of machinery and equipment - Part 3: Simple (transition) method for stated values for batches of machines)

[4] ИСО 9296:1988

Акустика. Заявление значений шумовых характеристик компьютеров и офисного оборудования

(ISO 9296:1988)

(Acoustics - Declared noise emission values of computer and business equipment)

[5] МЭК 61672-1:2002

(IEC 61672-1:2002)

Электроакустика. Шумомеры. Часть 1: Требования

(Electroacoustics - Sound level meters - Part 1: Specifications)

[6] МЭК 61260:1995

(IEC 61260:1995)

Электроакустика. Фильтры с полосой пропускания в октаву и долю октавы

(Electroacoustics - Octave-band and fractional-octave-band filters)

[7] МЭК 61183:1994

(IEC 61183:1994)

Электроакустика. Случайное падение и калибровка шумомеров по диффузному полю

(Electroacoustics - Random-incidence and diffuse-field calibration of sound level meters)

[8] МЭК 60942:2003

(IEC 60942:2003)

Калибраторы звука

(Sound calibrators)

[9] DAVY, J.L. The variance of pure tone reverberant sound power measurements. Fifth International Congress on Sound and Vibration, December 15-18, 1997, Adelaide, South Australia

[10] TOHYAMA, M. IMAI, A. and TACHIBANA, H. The relative variance of sound power measurements using reverberation rooms. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 128 (1), 1989, pp.57-69

[11] WEAVER, R.L. On the ensemble variance of reverberation room transmission functions, the effect of spectral rigidity. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 130 (3), 1989, pp.487-491

[12] DAVY. J.L. The relative variance of the transmission function of a reverberation room. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 77 (4), 1981, pp.455-479

[13] VORLANDER, M. Revised relation between the sound power and the average sound pressure level in rooms and the consequences for acoustic measurements. Acustica, 81, 1995, pp.332-343

[14] ИСО 354:1985

Акустика. Измерение звукопоглощения в реверберационной камере

(ISO 354:1985)

(Acoustics - Measurement of sound absorption in a reverberation room)

[15] BAADE, P.K. and G.C.MALING, Jr. Technical note on reverberation room qualification using multitone signals. Noise Control Engineering Journal, 1997

[16] CHU, W.T. Room response measurements in a reverberation chamber containing a rotating diffuser. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 77 (3), pp.1252-1256

[17] MALING, G.C., Jr. Determination of sound power in reverberant rooms. Noise Control Engineering Journal, 25 (2), 1985, pp.66-75

[18] BUDLUND, K. A normal mode analysis of the sound power injection in reverberation chambers at low frequencies and the effects of some response averaging methods. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 55 (4), 1977, pp.563-590

[19] BAADE, P.K. History of the qualification procedures of American National Standard S1.21-1972. Noise Control Engineering, 7 (2), 1976, pp.48-51

[20] FRANCOIS, P.P., С.Е.EBBING, and G.C.MALING, Jr. Results from an international sound power round robin concerning measurements in reverberation rooms. Proceedings of the Inter-noise '86 Conference, 1973, pp.549-558

[21] EBBING, С.Е., and G.C.MALING, Jr. Reverberation room qualification for determination of sound power of sources of discrete frequency sound. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 54 (4), 1973, pp.935-949

[22] MALING, G. Calculation of the acoustic power radiated by a monopole in a reverberation chamber. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 42 (4), 1967, pp.859-865

[23] TICHY, J. and P.K. BAADE. Effect of rotating diffusers and sampling technique on sound pressure averaging in reverberation rooms. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 56 (1), 1974, pp.137-144

[24] EBBING, С.Е. Experimental evaluation of moving sound diffusers for reverberation rooms. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 16 (1), 1971, pp.99-118

[25] AGERKVIST, F.T. and JACOBSEN, F. Sound power determination in reverberation rooms at low frequency. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 166, 1993, pp.179-190     

[26] ИСО 6926:1999

Акустика. Требования к характеристикам и калибровке образцового источника шума, применяемого для определения уровней звуковой мощности

(ISO 6926:1999)

(Acoustics - Requirements for the performance and calibration of reference sound sources used for the determination of sound power levels)

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М.: Стандартинформ, 2005