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ГОСТ Р ИСО 28640-2012 Статистические методы. Генерация случайных чисел (Переиздание)



ISO 80000-2 Quantities and units - Part 2: Mathematical signs and symbols to be used in the natural sciences and technology


Международному стандарту ISO 80000:2009 соответствует  ГОСТ P 54521-2011  "Статистические методы. Математические символы и знаки для примечания в стандартах".


ISO/IEC 9899 Programming languages - С


FERRENBERG A.M., LANDAU D.P. and WONG Y.J. Monte Carlo Simulations: Hidden Errors from "Good" Random Number Generators. Physical Review Letters, 69(23), 1992, p. 3382-3384


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HERINGA J.R., BLTE H.W.J. and COMPAGNER A. New Primitive Trinomials of Mersenne-Exponent Degrees for Random-Number Generation. International Journal of Modern Physics C, 3(3), 1992, p. 561-564


ISHIDA M., SATO Т., SUZUKI K., SHIMADA S. and KAWASE T. Random Number Generator Using a Diode Noise. The Institute of Statistical Mathematics Research Memorandum, Number 968, 2005


M.D. Erzeugung Von Betavesteilten und Gammavesteilten Zufellszahlen. Metrica, 8(1), 1964, p. 5-15


KNUTH D.E. Seminumerical Algorithms (The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 2), 3rd. ed., Addison Wesley, 1998


KURITA Y. and MATSUMOTO M. Primitive t-nomials (t = 3, 5) over GF (2) Whose Degree is a Mersenne Exponent u 44497. Mathematics of Computation, 56(194), 1991, p.817-821


L'ECUYER P. Maximally Equidistributed Combined Tausworthe Generators. Mathematics of Computation, 65(213), 1996, p. 203-213


L'ECUYER P. Tables of Maximally-Equidistributed Combined LFSR Generators. Mathematics of Computation, 68(225), 1996, p. 261-269


LEWIS T.G. and PAYNE W.H. Generalized Feedback Shift Register Pseudorandom Number Generators. Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery, 20(3), 1973, p. 456-468


MASSEY J.L. Shift-Register Synthesis and BCH Decoding. IEEE Trans on Information Theory, IT-15 (1), 1969, p.122-127


MATSUMOTO M. and NISHIMURA, T Mersenne Twister: A 623-Dimensionally Equidistributed Uniform Pseudo-Random Number Generator. ACM. Trans. Model. Comput. Simul., 8(1), 1998, p.3-30


VON NEUMANN J. Various Techniques Used in Connection with Random Digits, Monte Carlo Method, Applied Mathematics Series, No.12, U.S. National Bureau of Standards, Washington D.C., 1951, p. 36-38


NIKI N. Machine Generation of Randum Numbers. The Institute of Statistical Mathematics Research Memorandum, Number 969, 2005


NIKI N. Physical Random Number Generator for Personal Computers. The Institute of Statistical Mathematics Research Memorandum, Number 970, 2005


RUEPPEL R.A. Analysis and Design of Stream Ciphers, Springer-Verlag, 1986


TAUSWORTHE R.С Random Numbers Generated by Linear Recurrence Modulo Two. Mathematics of Computation, 19, 1965, p. 201-209


TEZUKA S. and L'ECUYER P. Efficient and Portable Combined Tausworthe Random Number Generators. ACM. Trans. Model. Comput. Simul., 1, 1991, p. 99-112


VATTULAINEN I., T. and KANKAALA K. Physical Tests for Random Numbers in Simulations. Physical Review Letters, 73(19), 1994, p. 2513-2516


VATTULAINEN I., T. and KANKAALA K. Physical Models as Tests of Randomness. Physical Review, E52, 1995, p. 3205-3214


Random Number Generator, The Institute of Statistical Mathematics, http://random.ism.ac.jp/random_e/index.php

УДК 658.562.012.7:65.012.122:006.354

ОКС 03.120.30

Ключевые слова: псевдослучайное число, физическое случайное число, начальное число, генератор случайных чисел, двоичные числа

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