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ГОСТ Р ИСО/МЭК 19795-1-2007 Автоматическая идентификация. Идентификация биометрическая. Эксплуатационные испытания и протоколы испытаний в биометрии. Часть 1. Принципы и структура (с Изменением N 1)



Fejfar, A. and Myers, J.W. The testing of three automatic identity verification techniques. Proceedings of the International Conference on Crime Countermeasures, Oxford, July 1977


Davies, D.W. and Price, W.L. Security for computer networks, Wiley, 1984. (Sections 7.10 & 7.11 review several performance evaluations)


Holmes, J.P., Wright, L.J., and Maxwell, R.L. A performance evaluation of biometric identification devices. Sandia report SAND91-0276, June 1991


Bouchier, F., Ahrens, J.S., and Wells, G. Laboratory evaluation of the iriscan prototype biometric identifier. Sandia report SAND96-1033, April 1996


Rauss, P., Phillips, P.J., Hamilton, M.K. and DePersia, AT. FERET (face recognition technology) recognition algorithms. Proceedings of Automatic Target Recognizer System and Technology Conference, July 1996


Roethenbaugh, G. ICSA biometric certification. Biometric industry product buyer's guide, ICSA, 1998, 27-31


BIOIS: Comparative study of biometric identification systems: Public final report. Study by Fraunhofer-IGD for BSI (German Information Security Agency) and BKA (German Federal Police Agency), May 2000


Blackburn, D., Bone, M. and Phillips, J. Facial recognition vendor test 2000. February 2001


Mansfield, A.J., Kelly, G.P., Chandler, D.J. and Kane, J. Biometric product testing final report. Report for CESG and Biometrics Working Group, March 2001


Maio, D., Maltoni, D., Cappelli, R., Wayman, J.L. and Jain, A.K. FVC2000: Fingerprint verification competition. IEEE Trans. PAMI, 2002, 24(3), 402-412


Phillips, P.J., Grother, P., Michaels, R.J., Blackburn, D.M., Tabassi, E. and Bone, M. Face recognition vendor test 2002 Evaluation Report. NIST IR 6965, 2003


Mansfieid, A.J. and Wayman, J.L. (2002) Best Practices in Testing and Reporting Performance of Biometric Devices, Version 2.01, NPL Report CMSC 14/02


Doddington, G.R., Przybocki, M.A., Martin, A.F. and Reynolds, D.A. The NIST speaker recognition evaluation: Overview methodology, systems, results, perspective. Speech Communication, 2000, 31(2-3), 225-254


Phillips, P.J., Martin, A., Wilson, C.L. and Przybocki, M. An introduction to evaluating biometric systems. Computer, (Feb 2000), 56-63


Hennessy, J.L. and Patterson, D.A. Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach, 2nd ed., Morgan Kaufman, San Francisco, 1996


Doddington, G., Liggett, W., Martin, A., Przybocki, M. and Reynolds, D. Sheep, goats, lambs and wolves: A statistical analysis of speaker performance in the NIST 1998 speaker recognition evaluation. ICSLP, November 1998


Wayman, J.L. Multi-finger penetration rate and ROC variability for automatic fingerprint identification systems. National Biometric Test Center, May 1999


ISO/IEC 19794-4, Information technology - Biometric data interchange formats - Part 4: Finger image data


ISO/IEC 19794-5, Information technology - Biometric data interchange formats - Part 5: Face image data


ISO/IEC 19794-6, Information technology - Biometric data interchange formats - Part 6: Iris image data


Cox, R. Three new speech coders from the ITU cover a range of applications. IEEE Communications Magazine, 1997, 35(9 - special issue on standardisation and characterisation of G729), 40-47


Wayman, J.L. Technical testing and evaluation of biometric identification devices. Biometrics: Personal identification in networked society, edited by A.K. Jain, et al., Kluwer, 2000, 345-368


Godfrey, J., Graff, D. and Martin, A. Public databases for speaker recognition and verification. ESCA Workshop on Automatic Speaker Recognition, Identification and Verification, 1994


Wayman, J.L. Confidence interval and test size estimation for biometric data. Proceedings of the IEEE AutoID Conference, 1999


Newman, H.H., Freeman, F.N. and Holzinger, J.K. Twins, Chicago University Press, 1937. Results on fingerprint similarity between identical twins cited in [31, table 10.20.1]


Daugman, J. and Downing, C. Epigenetic randomness, complexity, and singularity of human iris patterns. Proceeding of the Royal Society Biological Sciences, 2001, 268, 1737-1740


Jain, A.K., Prabhakar, S. and Pankanti, S. On the similarity of identical twin fingerprints. Pattern Recognition, 2002, 35(11), 2653-2663


Louis, Т.A. Confidence intervals for a binomial parameter after observing no successes. The American Statistician, 1981, 35(3), 154


Hanley, J.A. and Lippman-Hand, A. if nothing goes wrong, is everything all right? Interpreting zero numerators. Journal of the American Medical Association, 1983, 249(13), 1743-1745


Jovanovic, B.D. and Levy, P.S. A look at the rule of three. The American Statistician, 1997, 51 (2), 137-139.


Snedecor, G.W. and Cochran, W.G. Statistical methods, lowa State University Press, 1967 (Sixth edition)


Efron, B. and Tibshirani, R.J. An introduction to the bootstrap, Chapman and Hall, 1997


Diegert, K.V. Estimating performance characteristics of biometric identifiers. Proceedings of Biometrics Consortium Conference, San Jose, CA, June 1996


Bolle, R.M., Ratha, N.K. and Pankanti, S. Confidence interval measurement in performance analysis of biometric systems using the bootstrap. Proceedings of Workshop on Empirical Evaluation Methods in Computer Vision, Hawaii, December 2001


Maltoni, D. et al, Handbook of Fingerprint Recognition, Springer, 2003


Lumini, A. Maio, D. and Maltoni, D., Continuous versus exclusive classification for fingerprint retrieval. Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol.18, No.10, pp.1027-1034, 1997


Uchida, K., Kamei, Т., Mizoguchi, M. and Temma, Т., Fingerprint Card Classification with Statistical Feature Integration, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Brisbane, Australia, pp.1833-1839, August 1998


Cappelli, R. and Maio, D., The State of the Art in Fingerprint Classification, in Ratha N. and Bolle R. (Eds.) Automatic Fingerprint Recognition, Chapter 9, pp.183-205


Kamei, T. Fingerprint Pre-selection Using Eigenfeatures for a Large-Size Database, in Ratha N. and Bolle, R. (Eds.), Automatic Fingerprint Recognition, Chapter 13, pp.263-282


УДК 004.93'1:006.89:006.354

ОКС 35.240.15

Ключевые слова: информационная технология, биометрическая идентификация, эксплуатационные испытания, эксплуатационные характеристики, протокол испытаний

(Измененная редакция, Изм. N 1).

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