Статус документа
Статус документа

ГОСТ Р ЕН 779-2007 Фильтры очистки воздуха общего назначения. Определение эффективности фильтрации



[1] ANSI/ASHRAE 52.1:1992

Gravimetric and dust-spot procedures for testing air-cleaning devices used in general ventilation for removing particulate matter

[2] ASHRAE 52.2:1999

Method of testing general ventilation air-cleaning devices for removal efficiency by particle size

[3] ASME Standard MFC-3M-1985

Measurement of fluid flow in pipes using orifice nozzle and venture

[4] EN 779:1993

Particulate air filters for general ventilation; requirements, testing, marking

[5] EN 1822-3

High efficiency air filters (HEPA and ULPA) Part 3: Testing flat sheet filter media

[6] Eurovent 4/9:1997

Method of testing air filters used in general ventilation for determination of fractional efficiency

[7] NFX 44-060:1993

Air cleaning equipment - Oil mist gas purifiers with integral fan for screw-cutting industry

[8] Nordtest NT VVS 117:1998

Test method for electret filters - Determination of the electrostatic enhancement factor of filter media

[9] IES-RP-CC013

Equipment calibration or validation procedures

[10]  IEST-RP-CC013

Equipment calibration or validation procedure

[11] ASTM-F328-98

Standard practice for calibration of an airborne particle counter using monodispersed spherical particles

[12] ASTM-F649-80

Standard practice for secondary calibration of airborne particle counter using comparison procedures

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М.: Стандартинформ, 2008