Air pollutant | 22 |
Air pollution | 4 |
Air pollution potential | 8 |
Air selfcleaning | 15 |
Anthropogenic air pollution | 5 |
Area source of pollution | 24ж |
Atmospheric diffusion | 13 |
Chemical composition of industrial emission | 29 |
Coefficient of turbulent diffusion | 14 |
Contamination | 4 |
Continuous source of air pollution | 24з |
Critical wind velocity | 9 |
Dirty gas | 34 |
Discharge | 18 |
Dust content | 38 |
Efficiency of gas cleaning | 39 |
Emission | 18 |
Emission from defined place | 27 |
Emission from non-defined place | 28 |
Emission inventory | 21 |
Environmental protection | 23 |
Fume | 33 |
Gas cleaning | 30 |
Heat island | 10 |
Hygiene gas cleaning | 32 |
Industrial air pollution source | 25 |
Industrial dust | 36 |
Industrial emission | 26 |
Industrial gas cleaning | 31 |
Intensity of emission | 19 |
Intermittent source of air pollution | 24и |
Irregular source of air pollution | 24к |
Line source of air pollution | 24е |
Maximum permissible concentration | 3 |
Man-made source of air pollution | 24б |
Maximum permissible discharge | 20 |
Meteorological factors of air pollution | 7 |
Mobile source of air pollution | 24г |
Natural air pollution | 6 |
Natural source of air pollution | 24а |
Particle size distribution | 37 |
Photochemical smog | 12 |
Point source of air pollution | 24д |
Pollutant fallout | 17 |
Pollutants | 2 |
Pollutant washout | 16 |
Purified gas | 35 |
Smog | 11 |
Source | 1 |
Source of air pollution | 24 |
Stationary source of air pollution | 24в |
(Измененная редакция, Изм. N 1).