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Статус документа

ГОСТ Р ИСО 20282-1-2011 Эргономика изделий повседневного использования. Часть 1. Требования к конструкции элементов управления с учетом условий использования и характеристик пользователя



ISO/TS 20282-2:2006

Ease of operation of everyday products - Part 2: Test method for walk-up-and-use products


Заменен на ISO/TS 20282-2:2013.


ISO/PAS 20282-3:2007

Ease of operation of everyday products - Part 3: Test method for consumer products


Заменен на ISO/TS 20282-2:2013.


ISO/PAS 20282-4:2007

Ease of operation of everyday products - Part 4: Test method for the installation of consumer products


Заменен на ISO/TS 20282-2:2013.


ISO 7250:1996

Basic human body measurements for technological design


Заменен на ISO 7250-1:2008.


ISO 9186:2001

Graphical symbols - Test methods for judged comprehensibility and for comprehension


Заменен на ISO 9186-1:2014, ISO 9186-2:2008.


ISO 9241-11:1998

Ergonomic requirements for office work with visual display terminals (VDTs) - Part 11: Guidance on usability


Заменен на ISO 9241-11:2018.


ISO 9355-1:1999

Ergonomic requirements for the design of displays and control actuators - Part 1: General principles for human interactions with displays and control actuators


Международному стандарту ISO 9355-1:1999 соответствует ГОСТ Р ИСО 9355-1-2009 "Эргономические требования к проектированию дисплеев и механизмов управления. Часть 1. Взаимодействие с человеком".


ISO 9355-2:1999

Ergonomic requirements for the design of displays and control actuators - Part 2: Displays


Международному стандарту ISO 9355-2:1999 соответствует ГОСТ Р ИСО 9355-2-2009 "Эргономические требования к проектированию дисплеев и механизмов управления. Часть 2. Дисплеи".


ISO 9355-3:2006

Ergonomic requirements for the design of displays and control actuators - Part 3: Control actuators


Международному стандарту ISO 9355-3:2006 соответствует ГОСТ Р ИСО 9355-3-2010 "Эргономические требования к проектированию дисплеев и механизмов управления. Часть 3. Механизмы управления".


ISO 13407

Human-centred design processes for interactive systems


IEC/TR 61997:2001

Guidelines for the user interface in multimedia equipment for general purpose use


Anderson J. R. Cognitive Psychology and its implications, (5th Ed.) Worth Publishing, 1999


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Klatzky R.L. Human Memory: Structures and Processes, W.H.Freeman and Company, 1980


Lindsay P.H. and Norman D.A. Human Information Processing, Academic Press, 1977


Loftus G.L. and Loftus, E.F. Human Memory: The Processing of Information, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1976


Norman D. The Design of Everyday Things, Doubleday, New York, 1998


Posner M. (ed.). Foundations of Cognitive Science, MIT Press, 1989


Rasmussen J. Information Processing and Human-Machine Interaction, Elsevier Science Publishing 1986


Solso R.L. Cognitive Psychology. (6th Ed.), Pearson Allyn & Bacon, 2000


Sternberg R.J. Cognitive Psychology. (3rd Ed.), Wadsworth Publishing, 2002


Wickens Christopher D. An introduction to human factors engineering. Prentice Hall International, Saddle River, NJ, 2004


Honold P. Interkulturelles Usability Engineering. Eine Untersuchung zu kulturellen Einflhssen auf die Gestaltung und Nutzung technischer Produkte. Dissertation, Universitet Regensburg, 1998


Marcus A. Globalization, Localization, and Cross-Cultural Communication in User-Interface Design, Handbook of Human-Computer Interaction, Chapter 23, Jacko, J. and A. Spears Lawrence Erlbaum Publishers, New York, 2002, 441-463


Marcus A. User-Interface Design and Culture, chapter in Cross-Cultural Interface Design [working title], Aykin, Nuray, ed. Lawrence Erlbaum Publishers, New York, in press, 2004


Nisbett R.E. The Geography of thought. Nicholas Brealey Publishing Ltd, 2003


UNESCO Institute for Statistics: http://unescostat.unesco.org


CIA, The World Factbook 2000, Langley, Virginia, 2000


H.W., Aune I.A. and Pieper U., International Data on Anthropometry, Occupational Safety and Health, No. 65, Geneva, International Labour Office, 1990


Eveleth P.B. and Tanner J.M. Worldwide Variation in Human Growth. International Biological Program 8, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1976


Harrison C.R. and Robinette K. M. Caesar. Summary Statistics for the Adult Population (Ages 18-65) of the United States of America. Technical Report AFRL-HEWP-TR-2002-0170, United States Air Force, Wright Patterson AFB, OH, 2002


Chaffin D.B, Andersson G.B.J. and Martin B.J. Occupational, Biomechanics, Third Edition, Wiley and Sons, New York, 1999


Government Consumer Safety Research, Department of Trade and Industry: ADULTDATA - Handbook of adult anthropometric and strength measurements - Data for Design Safety. 1998


National Institute for Occupational Health and Safety (NIOSH), Work practice guide for manual lifting, Dept. Health and Human Services, Publ. No. 81-122, Cincinnati, 1981


Schultz B. and Albert. Mobility impairment in the elderly: challenges for the biomechanics research. Journal of Biomechanics, 25, 5, 1992


Mital A., Nicholson A.S. and Ayoub M.M.A Guide to Manual Materials Handling, Second Edition, London, Taylor & Francis, 1997


Pheasant S., Bodyspace: Anthropometry, Ergonomics and the Design of Work, London, Taylor and Francis, 1997


Biermann H. and Weibmantel H. Seniorengerechtes Konstruieren SENSI. Das Design senioren-gerechter . Reihe 1 Nr. 247, VDI-Verlag, Darmstadt, 1995


Connell B.R et al. Development and Validation of Principles on Universal Design. A.Lanton (Ed.) Exploring New Horizons, Pioneering the 21st Century: Proceedings of the RESNA 1996 Annual Conference, 435-437. Arlington, VA: RESNA Press, 1996


Gill J.M. and Shipley A.D.C. Telephones: What features do disabled people need? RNIB, 1999


ISO/IEC Guide 71 Guidelines for standards developers to address the needs of older persons and persons with disabilities. International Standardisation Organization, Geneve, 2001


ISO/TR 22411

Ergonomic data and guidelines for the application of ISO/IEC Guide 71 in standards related to products and services to address the needs of older persons and persons with disabilities


Komatsubara A. Usability Design for Consumer Products, International Encyclopaedia of Ergonomics and Human Factors, Taylor and Francis, 2001


Kroemer K.H.E. "Extra ordinary" ergonomics: how to accommodate small and big persons, the disabled and the elderly, expectant mothers, and children. Boca Raton, Taylor & Francis, 2006


Mace R. The Accessible Housing - Design File, ANSI Standards for American with disabilities Act. Van Rostrand Reinhold. New York, 1991


Mueller J.L. Assistive Technology and Universal Design in the Workplace. Assistive Technology, 10, 1, 1998, 37-43


Null R. Universal Design - Creative Solutions for ADA compliance, Professional Publications Inc., CA, 1996


Placencia-Porrero I. and Puig De La Bellacasa R. (eds.). The European Context for Assistive Technology. Assistive Technology Research Series. IOS Press, Amsterdam, 1995


Sorensen R. Design for Accessibility, Mc Graw Hill, NY 1979


Story M.F and Mueller J.L. Measuring Usability: The Principles of Universal Design. Designing for the 21st Century: An International Conference on Universal Design of Information, Products, and Environments, Jan Reagan and Lawrence Trachtman, editors, 126-129. Raleigh, N.C. NC State University, The Center for Universal Design, 1998


The Center for Universal Design: http://www.design.ncsu.edu/cud/about_ud/udprinciples.htm


World Health Organization. Internationale Klassifikation der , und Partizipation ICDH-2. Ein Handbuch der Dimensionen von gesundheitlicher und Behinderung. Deutschsprachiger Beta-1 Entwurf, Genf, 1998


Kantowitz B.H. and Sorkin R.D. Human Factors. Wiley & Sons, New York, 1983


Moore B.C.J. An introduction to the psychology of hearing. Academic Press, London, 2004


Palmer S.E. Vision science: photons to phenomenology. MIT-Press, Cambridge, MA, 1999


Schmidtke H. Lehrbuch der Ergonomie. Hanser, Munchen, 1981


Sanders M. and Mc Cormick E. Human Factors in Engineering and Design, Mc Graw Hill Inc, NY 7th Edition


Werner J.S., Peterzell D.H. and Scheetz A.J. Light, Vision, and Aging. Optometry and Vision Science, 1990, Vol. 67 No 3, 214-229


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McManus C. Right Hand, Left Hand. The origins of asymmetry in brains, bodies, atoms and cultures. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 2002


Buhler C. and Schmitz W. (1999). Ensuring access for all: the role of telecommunications systems for elderly and those with special needs. Report to the European Commissions


Eurostat. Demographic statistics. 1997. Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. Luxembourg


Freudenthal A. The design of home appliances for young and old consumers. Ageing and Ergonomics. Delft University of Technology, Delft, 1999


Snel J. and Cremer R. Work and Aging. A European Perspective. Taylor and Francis, London, 1994


Steenbekkers L.P.A. and van Beijsterveldt (Eds.). Design-relevant characteristics of ageing users. Ageing and Ergonomics. Delft University of Technology, Delft, 1998


Smith St., Norris B. and Peebles L. Older Adult data, The handbook of measurements and capabilities of the older adult - Data for design safety, Department of Trade and Industry, London, England, 2000


Statistisches Bundesamt Deutschland, Alterspyramide, 2004, www.destatis.de/basis/d/bevoe/bevoegra2.htm


United Nations, Policies and Programmes on Ageing, www.seniorweb.nl/un/memberstates/default.asp


United Nations Population Information Network, www.un.org/popin, 2004


United Nations Programme on Ageing, Towards a society for all ages, 2004, www.un.org/esa/socdev/ageing/index.html


United Nations Statistics Division, Demographic & Social, World Population Prospects, The 2002 Revision, Highlights, 2003, http://unstats.un.org/unsd/demographic/default.htm


Vanderheiden G.C. Design for people with functional limitations resulting from disability, ageing or circumstance. Salvendy, G. (ed.), Handbook of human factors and ergonomics (pp. 2010-2052), Wiley, 1997


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УДК 658.512.22:006.352

ОКС 13.180

Ключевые слова: эргономика, изделие повседневного использования, пользователь, потребительский товар, интуитивно понятное управление, условия использования, результативность, эффективность, удовлетворенность

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