
Соглашение между Правительством Российской Федерации и Правительством Соединенных Штатов Америки о продлении на пятилетний период срока действия Соглашения между Правительством Российской Федерации и Правительством Соединенных Штатов Америки о порядке таможенного оформления и беспошлинного ввоза товаров, перемещаемых в рамках российско-американского сотрудничества в области исследования и использования космического пространства в мирных целях, от 16 декабря 1994 года

     MFA N 2011-111

The Embassy of the United Slates of America presents its compliments to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, and refers to the Agreement between the United States of America and the Russian Federation Concerning the Procedure for the Customs Documentation and Duty-Free Entry of Goods Transported within the Framework of U.S.- Russian Cooperation in the Exploration and Use of Space for Peaceful Purposes, signed at Moscow December 16, 1994, as extended (hereinafter the "Agreement"),

In accordance with Article 5 of the Agreement, the Embassy, on behalf of the government of the United States of America, proposes that the Agreement be extended for an additional five-year period, from August 27, 2011, through August 26, 2016. The Embassy further proposes that this note and the Ministry's affirmative reply shall constitute an agreement to extend the Agreement, which shall enter into force on the date of the Ministry's note, with effect from August 27, 2011.

The Embassy of the United States of America avails itself of the opportunity to extend to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation the renewed assurances of its highest consideration.

Embassy of the United States of America

Moscow, August 25, 2011.