
Об утверждении Положения о порядке применения Конвенции МДП, 1975 год (с изменениями на 22 января 2014 года)

Приложение 2
к Положению о порядке
применения  Конвенции  МДП, 1975 года

Образец заполнения обложки книжки МДП

¦IRU     Union Internationale   ¦
¦     des Transports Routiers   ¦


14 VOLETS I.R.U. N 11323850
¦1. Valable pour prise en charge per le burcsu de dousne de depart jusqu`su                     11 - 05 - 1994          ¦
¦   Valld for the .......... of goods by the ......... after of departure up to end ............---------------- inclus ¦
¦                                                                                                                       ¦
¦2. Deilvre per ASSOCIATIONAL ROAD CARRIERS (ASMAP)                                                                     ¦
¦   ........ by --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------¦
¦                                                                                                                       ¦
¦   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------¦
¦                            ................................                                                           ¦
¦3. Titulaire  Совтрансавто, Москва                                                                                     ¦
¦   Holder    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------¦
¦                                                                                                                       ¦
¦   Россия, Москва, Молодогвардейская, 58                                                                               ¦
¦   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------¦
¦                             .................................                                                         ¦
¦                                                                                                                       ¦
¦4. Signature du delegue de l`association    5. Signature du secretaire                                                 ¦
¦   omettrise                                   de l`organisation internationale:                                       ¦
¦   et cachet cette association:                Signature of the secretairy of the internationul                        ¦
¦   Signature of .......... of the              organisation:                                                           ¦
¦   ....................... of that                                                                                     ¦
¦   association:                                                                                                        ¦
¦                                                                                                                       ¦
¦                                                                                                                       ¦
¦                                                                                                                       ¦
¦    ПЕЧАТЬ                         Подпись                                                                             ¦
¦ ---------------------                                                                                                 ¦
¦                                                                                                                       ¦
¦       ¦   ......................................................                                                      ¦
¦       ¦                                                                                                               ¦
¦       ¦   6. Psys de depart          Российская Федерация                                                             ¦
¦       ¦      Country of departure  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¦
¦       ¦                                                                                                               ¦
¦       ¦   7. Psys de destinasion                        Финляндия                                                     ¦
¦       ¦      Country/Countries of destinasion (*)   ----------------------------------------------------------------- ¦
¦       ¦                                                                                                               ¦
¦       ¦      -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¦
¦       ¦                                                                                                               ¦
¦       ¦   8. No(s) d`immatriculations du (des) venicule(s) routier(s) (*)                                             ¦
¦       ¦      Registration No(s) of rood venicule(s) (*)                                                               ¦
¦       ¦                                                                                                               ¦
¦       ¦                         GE-224356                                                                             ¦
¦       ¦      -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¦
¦       ¦                                                                                                               ¦
¦       ¦   9. Certificat(s) d`agrement du  (des) venicule(s) (No of date) (*)                                          ¦
¦       ¦      Certificat(s) of approovd of rood venicule(s) (No, end date) (*)                                         ¦
¦       ¦                                                                                                               ¦
¦       ¦                         4570/94                                                                               ¦
¦       ¦      -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¦
¦       ¦                                                                                                               ¦
¦       ¦                                                                                                               ¦
¦       ¦   10. No(s) d`identification de (des) conteneur(s) (*)                                                        ¦
¦       ¦       Identification No(s), of ....... (s) (*)                                                                ¦
+-------+      -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¦
¦                                                                                                                       ¦
¦11. Observations diversee                                                                                              ¦
¦    Remarks               -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¦
¦                                                                                                                       ¦
¦              -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¦
¦                                            12. Signature du titulaire du carnet:                                      ¦
¦                                                Signature of the cornet ......                                         ¦
¦                                                                                                                       ¦
¦                                                                                                                       ¦
¦                                                                                                                       ¦
¦                                                                                                                       ¦
¦ (*) Bitter is mention inutlie.                            Подпись                                                     ¦
¦     Strike out whichever does sot apply        ------------------------------------                                   ¦
* Voir ennese i de la Convention TIR, 1975, elaborde sous les  suspices de la Commiseion Aconomique  des Nations Unies pour l`Europe.
* See ......... of the TIR Convesation, 1975, ......... under the ........... of the ................. for Europs.