
Об утверждении Положения о порядке применения Конвенции МДП, 1975 год (с изменениями на 22 января 2014 года)

 Приложение 9
к Положению о порядке
применения  Конвенции  МДП, 1975 года

Образец книжки МДП с повышенным пределом гарантии

¦VOUCHER N 1                                ¦1. TIR CARNET                    N     ......................................    ¦
¦2. ....... office(s) of departure          ¦ 3. Name of the international organisation                                       ¦
¦                                           ¦                                                                                 ¦
¦   1.                    3.                ¦                                                                                 ¦
¦      -----------------     ------------   ¦                                                                                 ¦
¦   2.                                      ¦                                                                                 ¦
¦      -----------------                    ¦                                                                                 ¦
¦For ..........                             ¦ 4. ...... of the .......(name, address and country)                             ¦
¦                                           ¦                                                                                 ¦
¦                                           ¦                                                                                 ¦
¦                                           +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------¦
¦                                           ¦  5. Country of departure¦6. Country/Countries  of distination                   ¦
¦                                           ¦                         ¦                                                       ¦
¦7. Registration No(s), of road vehicle(s)  ¦  8. Documents ..........   the manifest                                         ¦
¦                                           ¦                                                                                 ¦
¦                                           ¦                                                                                 ¦
¦                                           ¦                                                                                 ¦
+-------------------------------------------¦                                                                                 ¦
¦ GOODS MANIFEST                            ¦                                                                                 ¦
¦9.(a) Load ...... of  ¦10. Number and type of ............................         ¦11. ...   ¦16. ..........                ¦
¦   ...........        ¦                                                            ¦    ....  ¦    ..........                ¦
¦ (b) Marks and Nos of ¦                                                            ¦    kg    ¦    ..........                ¦
¦  packages ........   ¦                                                            ¦          ¦    ..........                ¦
¦                      ¦                                                            ¦          ¦    ...........               ¦
¦                      ¦                                                            ¦          ¦                              ¦
¦                      ¦                                                            ¦          ¦                              ¦
¦                      ¦                                                            ¦          ¦                              ¦
¦                      ¦                                                            ¦          ¦                              ¦
¦                      ¦                                                            ¦          ¦                              ¦
¦                      ¦                                                            ¦          ¦                              ¦
¦                      ¦                                                            ¦          ¦                              ¦
¦                      ¦                                                            ¦          ¦                              ¦
¦12. Total number of .......   ¦Num- ¦13. ........................ ¦17. ..........................                            ¦
¦    on the manifest           ¦ber  ¦    ........................ ¦    ..........................                            ¦
¦    Destination               ¦     ¦    ........................ ¦    ..........................                            ¦
+------------------------------+-----¦                             ¦                                                          ¦
¦1. ......... office           ¦     ¦14. .......................  ¦                                                          ¦
¦                              ¦     ¦                             ¦                                                          ¦
+------------------------------+-----¦                             ¦                                                          ¦
¦2. .......... office          ¦     ¦                             ¦                                                          ¦
+------------------------------+-----¦15. .....................    ¦                                                          ¦
¦3. .......... office          ¦     ¦    .....................    ¦                                                          ¦
¦                              ¦     ¦                             ¦                                                          ¦
¦                              ¦     ¦                             ¦                                                          ¦
¦                              ¦     ¦                             ¦                                                          ¦
¦18. .......... for goods taken under ........(.....office of ¦                                                               ¦
¦    departure or of ..... on roule)                          ¦                                                               ¦
+-------------------------------------------------------------¦                                                               ¦
¦+-+ 19. Seeks or identification  ¦20. ....................   ¦                                                               ¦
¦+-+     marks found to be ...... ¦                           ¦                                                               ¦
+-------------------------------------------------------------¦                                                               ¦
¦21. Registered by the ...... office at¦under N               ¦                                                               ¦
¦                                      ¦                      ¦                                                               ¦
+-------------------------------------------------------------¦                                                               ¦
¦22. .........................(......office of which the      ¦                                                               ¦
¦    load must be produced ...)                               ¦                                                               ¦
¦                                                             ¦                                                               ¦
¦                                                             ¦                                                               ¦
¦                                                             ¦                                                               ¦
+------------------------------                               ¦                                                               ¦
¦23. .......... office signature and ...                      ¦                                                               ¦
¦    office date ........                      М.П.           ¦                                                               ¦
¦                                                             ¦                                                               ¦
¦ ---------------------------------                           ¦                                                               ¦
¦                                                             ¦                                                               ¦

 COUNTERFOIL N 1    page 1             of TIR CARNET        N .................
¦1. Accapied by the Cusioms office at _____________________________________________  ¦6. Customs office signaturs and         ¦
¦                                                                                    ¦   Customs office .......               ¦
¦2. Under N_______________________________________________________________________  ¦                                        ¦
¦                                                                                    ¦                                        ¦
¦3. ......... or identification marks ....   ______________________________________  ¦                                        ¦
¦                                                                                    ¦                                        ¦
¦4. +-+........ or identification marks found to be ............  _________________  ¦                                        ¦
¦   +-+                                                                              ¦                                        ¦
¦5. ......... (roule .......... Costoms office of which the load must be             ¦                                        ¦
¦                                                                                    ¦                                        ¦
¦   produced, etc.)                                                                  ¦    -----------------------------       ¦
¦   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ¦                                        ¦
¦   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ¦                                        ¦