
Об утверждении Инструкции по делопроизводству в Министерстве строительства и архитектуры Ульяновской области (с изменениями на 5 марта 2021 года)

Приложение N 15
к Инструкции

Образец неофициального перевода

Unofficial translation


Lenin sq., 1, Ulyanovsk,432017. Russian Federation
Tel./fax: +7 8422 414 169, e-mail: mail@ulgov.ru. http://www.ulgov.ru

     Mr. Zhou Bohua,
     Governor of Hunan Province
     of People's Republic of China

Date: January 17, 2015

     Re: visit of Ulyanovsk delegation

     Dear Mr. Governor,

     let me express my sincere gratitude for the heartfelt welcome your staff and you personally accorded to the members of the official delegation of the Ulyanovsk Region while visiting the Hunan province.

     I am sure that the achieved agreements will contribute to successful strengthening and development of the comprehensive cooperation between our regions.

     We are greatly concerned in concluding the enclosed Agreement of economic, scientific and cultural relations between the Ulyanovsk Region and Hunan province, the draft of which is given for your concordance and approval.

     I wish you great success in your activities and hope for further effective cooperation.

     Sincerely yours,


     Sergey I. Morozov

     Enel: Agreement of cooperation