Соглашение об унифицированных правилах, определяющих происхождение товаров развивающихся стран при предоставлении тарифных преференций в рамках Общей системы преференций

Приложение 2/8
к Указанию ГТК России
от 17.05.93 N 01-532


1. Countries which accept Form A for the purposes of the generflized system of preferences (GSP):

     Australia *    Norway          European Economic

     Austria        Sweden          Belgium             Ireland

     Canada         Switzerland     Denmark             Italy

     Finland        Unated States   France              Luxembourg
                    of America

     Japan                          Federal Republic    Netherlands
                                    of Germany

     New Zealand                    Greece              Portugal



       For Australia,  the  main  requirement  is   the   exporter`s
declaration on the normal commercial invoice. From A, accompanied by
the normal commercial invoice,  is an  acceptable  alternative,  but
official certification not required.

People`s Republic of Bulgaria
Czechoslovak Socialist Republic
Hungarian People`s Republic
Polish People`s Republic
Union of Soviet Republics

Full details of the conditions covering admission to the GSP in these countries are obtainable from the designated authorities in the exporting preference-receiving countries or from the authorities of the preferance-giving countries listed above. An infor mation note is also obtainable from UNCTAD secretariat.

II. General conditions

To quality for preferance, products must:

(a) fall within a description of products eligible for

preferance in the country of destination. The description entered on
the form must be sufficiently detalled to enable the products to the
identified by the customs officer examining them;

(b) comply with the rules of origion of the country of

destination. Each  article  in a consignment must quality separately
in its own right; and

(c) comply with the consignment conditions specified by the

country of dectination. In general products must be consigned direct
from the country of exportation to the country  of  destination  but
most preference-giving countries accept passage through intermediate
countries subject  to  certain  condition.  (For  Australia,  direct
consignvent is not necessary.)

III. Entries to be made in Box 8

Preference products must either be wholly obtained in accordance with the rules of the country of destination or sufficiently worked or processed to fulfil the requirements of that country` s origin rules.

(a) Products wholly obtained: for export to all countries

listed in  Section  I,  enter the letter "P" in Box 8 (for Australia
and New Zealand Box 8 may may be left blank).

(b) Products sufficiently worked or processed: for export to

the countries  specified  below,  the  entry  in  Box 8 should be as

(1) United States of America: for single country shipments,

enter the  letter  "Y"  in  Box  8,  for  shipments  from recognized
association of countries,  enter the letter "Z", followed by the sum
of the  cost  or value of the domestic materials and the direct cost
of processing,  expressed as a percentage of the ex-factory price of
the exported products: (example "Y" 35% or "Z" 35%).

(2) Canada: for products which meet origin criteria from

working or processing in more  than  one  eligible  least  developed
country, enter letter "G" in Box 8; otherwise "F".

(3) Austria, Finland, Japan, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland and

European Ecjnjmic Community:  enter the letter "W" in Box 8 followed
by the Customs Co-operation Council Nomenciature (Harmonized System)
heading of the  exported products (example "W" 96.18).

(4) Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland and the USSR: for

products which    include    value    added    in    the   exporting
preference-receiving country  ,  enter  the  letter  "y"  in  Box  8
followed by the value of imported materials and components expressed
as a percentage  of  the  f.o.b.  price  of  the  exported  products
(example "Y" 45%);  for products contained in a preference-receiving
country and worked or processed in one or more other such countries,
enter  <...>