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Статус документа

ГОСТ 34210-2017 Топлива нефтяные. Определение теплоты сгорания в калориметрической бомбе (Переиздание)



Gross M.E., Gutherie G.В., Hubbard W.N., Katz C., McCullough J.P., Waddington G., and Williamson K.D., "Thermodynamic Properties of Furan", Journal, Am. Chemical Soc., Vol 74, N 18, Sept. 23, 1952, pp.4662-4669


Jessup R.S., "Heats of Combustion of the Liquid Normal Paraffin Hydrocarbons from Hexane to Dodecane", Journal of Research, Nat. Bureau Standards, Vol 18, N 12, February 1937, pp.115-128


Prosen E.J.R., and Rossini F.D., "Heats of Isomerization of the Five Hexanes", Journal of Research, Nat. Bureau Standards, Vol 27, N 3, September 1941, pp.289-310 (Research Paper RP 1420)


Barry F., and Richards T.W., "Heat of Combustion of Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Hexamethylene", Journal, Am. Chemical Soc, Vol 37, N 5, May 1915, pp.993-1020


Coops J., and Verkade P.E., "A New Method for the Determination of the Heats of Combustion of Volatile Substances in the Calorimetric Bomb", Recueil traveus chimique, Vol 45, 1926, pp.545-551


Hubbard W.N., Huffman H.M., Knowlton J.W., Oliver G.D., Scott D.W., Smith J.C., Todd S.S., and Waddington G., "Thermodynamic Properties of Thiophene", Journal, Am. Chemical Soc., Vol 71, N 3, March 1949, pp.797-808


Le Tourneau R.L., and Matteson R., "Measurement of Heat of Combustion of Volatile Hydrocarbons", Analytical Chemistry, Vol 20, N 7, July 1948, pp.663-664

УДК 665.73:662.216.4:006.354

МКС 75.160.20

Ключевые слова: нефтяные топлива, определение теплоты сгорания в калориметрической бомбе


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