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Статус документа

ГОСТ Р ИСО 16000-26-2015 Воздух замкнутых помещений. Часть 26. Отбор проб при определении содержания диоксида углерода (СO(2)) (Переиздание)



ISO/IEC 17025

General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories (Общие требования к компетентности испытательных и калибровочных лабораторий)


Заменен на ISO/IEC 17025:2019.


ISO/IEC Guide 98-3:2008

Uncertainty of measurement - Part 3: Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement (GUM:1995) [Неопределенность измерения. Часть 3. Руководство по выражению неопределенности измерения (GUM: 1995)]


EN 13779

Ventilation for non-residential buildings - Performance requirements for ventilation and room-conditioning systems (Вентиляция для нежилых зданий. Требования к рабочим характеристикам для вентиляционных и кондиционерных комнатных систем)


DIN 1946-2

Ventilation and air conditioning - Part 2: Technical health requirements (VDI ventilation rules) (Установки вентиляционные. Часть 2. Требования гигиены. Правила VDI)


Заменен на DIN EN 16798-3:2017.


DIN 1946-4

Ventilation and air conditioning - Part 4: Ventilation in buildings and rooms of health care (Вентиляция и кондиционирование. Часть 4. Вентиляция в зданиях и врачебных кабинетах)


Заменен на DIN 1946-4:2018.


DIN 1946-6

Ventilation and air conditioning - Part 6: Ventilation for residential buildings - General requirements, requirements for measuring, performance and labeling, delivery/ acceptance (certification) and maintenance [Вентиляция и кондиционирование воздуха. Часть 6. Установки вентиляционные для жилых помещений. Основные требования, требования к измерению, рабочим характеристикам и маркированию, поставке/приемке (сертификация) и техническому уходу]


TRGS 900

Arbeitsplatzgrenzwerte [Workplace atmosphere limit values]. Available (viewed 2012-07-23) from: http://www.baua.de/de/Themen-von-A-Z/Gefahrstoffe/TRGS/TRGS-900.html__nnn=true


VDI 2449 Part 1

Measurement methods test criteria - Determination of performance characteristics for the measurement of gaseous pollutants (immission)


VDI 2449 Blatt 2

Grundlagen zur Kennzeichnung vollstndiger Meverfahren; Begriffsbestimmungen [Basic concepts for characterization of a complete measuring procedure; glossary of terms]


VDI 4300 Part 7

Indoor-air pollution measurement - Measurement of indoor air change rate


VDI 4300 Part 9

Measurement of indoor air pollution - Measurement strategy for carbon dioxide ()


Rat von Sachverstndigen fr Umweltfragen [Expert Council on Environmental Questions]. Luftverunreinigungen in Innenrumen [Indoor air pollution], Sondergutachten 1987-05. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 1987. 112 p.


Keeling C.D., Whorf T.P., and the Carbon Dioxide Research Group. Atmospheric CO2 concentrations (ppmv) derived from in situ air samples collected at Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii. La Jolla, CA: Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Available (viewed 2012-07-23) at: http://cdiac.esd.ornl.gov/ftp/maunaloa-co2/maunaloa.co2


Maroni M., Seifert В., Lindvall T., eds. Indoor air quality - A comprehensive reference book. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1995


Fehlmann J., Wanner H.U., eds. Indoor climate and indoor air quality in residential buildings. Indoor Air. 1993, 3, p. 41-50


Bischof W., Bullinger-Naber M., Kruppa В., Mller B.H., Schwab R., eds. Exposition und gesundheitliche Beeintrachtigungen in Brogebuden - Ergebnisse des ProKlimA-Projektes [Exposure and adverse effects on health in offices - Results of the ProKlimA project]. Stuttgart: Fraunhofer IRB Verlag, 2003


Rohbock E., Mller H., Zingsheim T, eds. Untersuchungen der Innenraumluftzusammensetzung in Groraumbros mit zentraler Belftung [Investigations of the indoor air composition in open plan offices with central ventilation]. Gesund. Ing. 1987, 108(6), p.269-276


Rigos E., ed. -Konzentrationen im Klassenzimmer [ concentrations in classrooms]. Umschau. 1981, 81, p.172-174


Indoor Air Hygiene Commission of the German Federal Environment Ministry. Leitfaden fr die Innenraumlufthygiene in Schulgebuden [Guide for indoor air hygiene in school buildings]. Berlin: Umweltbundesamt, 2000


Lahrz Т., Bischof W., Sagunski H., Baudisch C, Fromme H., Grams H., et al. Gesundheitliche Bewertung von Kohlendioxid in der Innenraumluft [Health assessment of carbon dioxide in indoor air]. Bundesgesundheitsbl. Gesundheitsforsch. Gesundheitsschutz. 2008, 11, p.1358-1369


Heath O.V.S., ed. Physiologie der Photosynthese [Physiology of photosynthesis]. Stuttgart: Thieme, 1972, 176 p.


Lahmann E., ed. Luftverunreinigung - Luftreinhaltung [Air pollution - Air pollution prevention]. Berlin: Paul Parey, 1990


Baumbach G. Luftreinhaltung [Air pollution prevention], 2nd edition. Berlin: Springer, 1992


Schmidt W. Optische Spektroskopie [Optical spectroscopy]. Weinheim: VCH, 1994


Drager Safety. Drger tubes & CMS-handbook, 16th edition. Lbeck: Drger, 2011. 461 p. Available (viewed 2012-07-23) at: http://www.draeger.com/media/10/01/87/10018750/tubeshandbook_br_9092086_en.pdf


Thews G., Mutschler E., Vaupel P. Anatomie, Physiologie, Pathophysiologie des Menschen [Human anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology]. Stuttgart: Wissenschaftliche Verlags Gesellschaft, 1999


Pettenkofer M., ed. ber den Luftwechsel in Wohnungen [Air change in dwellings]. Munich: J.G. Cotta'sche Buchhandlung, 1858


Wangrin N., Schirk O., eds. Pollution of indoor air, use of Multiwarn indoor and Drager tubes., Lbeck: Drger, 1993. (Drger Review 71.)


Grams H., Hehl O., Gabrio Т., Volland G., Lahrz Т., Dietrich S., et al. Ursachen und gesundheitliche Bewertung von Lftungsmngeln an deutschen Schulen [Origin and health assessment of ventilation insufficiency at German schools]. Umweltmed. Forsch. Prax. 2008, 13 p.211-219


Fromme H., Heitmann D., Dietrich S., Schierl R., Krner W., Kiranoglu M., et al. Raumluftqualitt in Schulen - Belastung von Klassenrumen mit Kohlendioxid (), flchtigen organischen Verbindungen (VOC), Aldehyden, Endotoxinen und Katzenallergenen [Room air quality in schools - Pollution of classrooms with carbon dioxide (), volatile organic compounds (VOC), aldehydes, endotoxins and cat allergens]. Gesundheitswesen 2008, 70 p.88-97

УДК 504.3:006.354

ОКС 13.040.20

Ключевые слова: воздух, замкнутое помещение, диоксид углерода, планирование, отбор проб, методика измерений

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М.: Стандартинформ, 2019