Статус документа
Статус документа

ГОСТ Р МЭК 62502-2014 Менеджмент риска. Анализ дерева событий



American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Layer of Protection Analysis - Simplified process risk assessment, New York, USA, October 2001


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ASME Standard for Probabilistic Risk Assessment for Nuclear Power Plant Applications, ASME RA-S-2002, 2002, Amended by addenda ASME RA-Sa-2003, ASME RA-Sb2005, and ASME RA-Sc-2007


BRABAND, J., LENNARTZ, K. A Systematic Process for the Definition of Safety Targets for Railway Signalling Applications, Signal+Draht, 9/99


DOWELL, III, A.M., HENDERSHOT, D.C. Simplified Risk Analysis - Layer of Protection Analysis (LOPA), American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Indianapolis, 2002


Expert Group on Probabilistic Safety Analysis for Nuclear Power Plants: "Methods for Probabilistic Safety Analysis for Nuclear Power Plants, Status: August 2005", BfS-SCHR-37/05, Salzgitter, October 2005 (In German)


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GOLDBERG, B.E., EVERHART, K│ STEVENS, R., BABBITT III, N., CLEMENS,P│ STOUT, L. System Engineering "Toolbox" for Design-Oriented Engineers, NASA Reference Publication 1358,1994


Guidelines on Modeling Common Cause Failures in Probabilistic Risk Assessment, NUREG/CR-5485, NRC 1998


HENLEY, E.J., KUMAMOTO, H. Reliability Engineering and Risk Assessment, 1981


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ISO/IEC 31010 Risk management - Risk assessment guidelines


IEC 60300-3-1:2003

Dependability Management - Part 3-1: Application guide-Analysis techniques for dependability - Guide on methodology


IEC 60300-3-9:1995

Dependability management-Part 3: Application guide - Section 9: Risk analysis of technological systems


IEC 60812:2006

Analysis techniques for system reliability - Procedure for failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA)


IEC 61078:2006 Analysis techniques for dependability - Reliability block diagram and boolean methods


IEC 61165:2006 Application of Markov techniques


IEC 61508 (all parts) Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related systems


IEC 61511-3:2003

Functional safety - Safety instrumented systems for the process industry sector - Part 3: Guidance for the determination of the required safety integrity levels


IEC 61703:2001

Mathematical expressions for reliability, availability, maintainability and maintenance support terms


IEC 62425:2007

Railway applications - Communication, signalling and processing systems - Safety related electronic systems for signaling


IEC 62429:2007 Reliability growth - Stress testing for early failures in unique complex systems


IEC 62508:2010 Guidance on human aspects of dependability


IEC 62551 Analysis techniques for dependability- Petri net techniques


ISO 3534-1:2006 Statistics - Vocabulary and symbols - Part 1: General statistical terms and terms used in probability


KLOOS, M., PESCHKE, J., MCDET: A Probabilistic Dynamics Method Combining Monte Carlo Simulation with the Discrete Dynamic Event Tree Approach, Nuclear Science and Engineering: 153,137-156, 2006


LEVESON, N.G. SAFEWARE: System Safety and Computers, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1995


McCORMICK, N.J. Reliability and Risk Analysis - Methods and Nuclear Power Applications, Boston, 1981


Nuclear Regulatory Commission, PRA Procedures Guide, A Guide to the Performance of Probabilistic Risk Assessments for Nuclear Power Plants, Final Report, NUREG/CR-2300 Vol. 1, January 1983


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Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Reactor Safety Study: An Assessment of Accident Risks in US Commercial Nuclear Power Plants, Rep. WASH-1400-MR(NUREG-75/014), Washington, DC, 1975


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SIU, N. Risk Assessment for Dynamic Systems: An Overview, Reliability Engineering and System Safety 43,1994, p. 43-73


SMITH, D.J. Reliability, Maintainability and Risk, Oxford, 2001


Special subject: Common cause failure analysis, Kerntechnik Vol 71, No 1-2, Carl Hanser-Verlag, February 2006, pp 8-62


VILLEMEUR, A. Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety Assessment. Volume 1. Methods and Techniques, Chichester, Wiley, 1992


XU, H.; DUGAN, J.B. Combining Dynamic Fault Trees and Event Trees for Probabilistic Risk Assessment, University of Virginia, January 2004


ZIO, E. An Introduction to the Basics of Reliability and Risk Analysis, Series in Quality, Reliability and Engineering Statistics, Vol. 13, 2007

УДК 62-192:658.562:006.354

ОКС 21.020


Ключевые слова: событие, вероятность события, частота события, успех события, отказ события, дерево событий, узел, инициирующее событие, последовательность событий, главное событие, ветвь

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М.: Стандартинформ, 2015