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[2] | Ten Wolde T. Reciprocity experiments on the transmission of sound in ships. Doctoral thesis, Delft University, TNO Institute of Applied Physics, 1973 |
[3] | Verheij J.W. Measuring sound transfer through resilient mountings for separate excitation with orthogonal translation and rotations. Proceedings Inter Noise 80, Miami, pp.723-726 |
[4] | Ten Wolde Т., Verheij J.W. and Steenhoek H.F. Reciprocity method for the measurement of mechano-acoustical transfer functions. J. Sound Vibr., 42(1), 1975, pp.49-55 |
[5] | Heckl M. The different ways of sound transmission in and around resilient mounts. Proceedings International Symposium on Shipboard Acoustics. (Janssen J.H., Ed.) Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1977, pp.155-165 |
[6] | Steenhoer H.F. Insertion loss of resilient mounting systems in ships. Proceedings, International Symposium on Shipboard Acoustics. (Janssen J.H., Ed.) Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1977, pp.162-182 |
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УДК 534.322.3.08:006.354 | МКС 17.140.20 | |
Ключевые слова: вибрация, вибрационная активность, машина, изолятор, фундамент, скорость, измерения, испытания, повторяемость, воспроизводимость |
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М.: Стандартинформ, 2019