Статус документа
Статус документа

ГОСТ 32107-2013 (ISO 9611:1996) Вибрация. Измерения вибрации, передаваемой машиной через упругие изоляторы. Общие требования (Переиздание)



Verheij J.W. Multi-path sound transfer from resiliently mounted shipboard machinery. Doctoral thesis, Delft University, TNO Institute of Applied Physics, 1982


Ten Wolde T. Reciprocity experiments on the transmission of sound in ships. Doctoral thesis, Delft University, TNO Institute of Applied Physics, 1973


Verheij J.W. Measuring sound transfer through resilient mountings for separate excitation with orthogonal translation and rotations. Proceedings Inter Noise 80, Miami, pp.723-726


Ten Wolde Т., Verheij J.W. and Steenhoek H.F. Reciprocity method for the measurement of mechano-acoustical transfer functions. J. Sound Vibr., 42(1), 1975, pp.49-55


Heckl M. The different ways of sound transmission in and around resilient mounts. Proceedings International Symposium on Shipboard Acoustics. (Janssen J.H., Ed.) Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1977, pp.155-165


Steenhoer H.F. Insertion loss of resilient mounting systems in ships. Proceedings, International Symposium on Shipboard Acoustics. (Janssen J.H., Ed.) Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1977, pp.162-182


Jacobsen F. and Ohlrich M. Vibrational power transmission from multipoint mounted machinery to supporting structure, Report No. 35, Acoustics Laboratory, Technical University of Denmark, 1986

УДК 534.322.3.08:006.354

МКС 17.140.20

Ключевые слова: вибрация, вибрационная активность, машина, изолятор, фундамент, скорость, измерения, испытания, повторяемость, воспроизводимость

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М.: Стандартинформ, 2019