Статус документа
Статус документа

ГОСТ Р 55617.1-2013 (ЕН 12975-1:2006) Возобновляемая энергетика. Установки солнечные термические и их компоненты. Солнечные коллекторы. Часть 1. Общие требования



EN 12975-2:2006

Thermal solar systems and components. Solar collectors. Test methods


ISO 9806-1

Test methods for solar collectors - Part 1: Thermal performance of glazed liquid heating collectors Including pressure drop


ISO 9806-2

Test methods for solar collectors - Part 2: Qualification test procedures


ISO 9806-3

Test methods for solar collectors - Part 3: Thermal performance of unglazed Squid heating collectors (sensible heat transfer only) including pressure drop


ISO 9808

Solar water heaters - Elastomeric materials for absorbers, connecting pipes and fittings - Method of assessment



Solar energy - Water heating systems - Guide to material selection with regard to internal corrosion


NF P 50-511.1985

Solar energy - Solar collectors using heat transfer liquid - Suitability for use


DIN V 4757-3:1995

Solar heating systems - Part 3: Solar collectors, definitions, safety requirements, test of stagnation temperature


ONORM M 7710:95

Solar collectors for use of solar energy - Performance requirements, test specifications and procedures


UNI 8796,1987

Solar systems - Liquid solar collectors - Acceptance criteria


E.Aranovitch. D.Giliaert, W.8. Gilet J.E. Bates EUR 11606 Recommendations for Performance and Durability Tests of Solar Collectors and Water Heating Systems. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. 1989


Paradtssadis I., Siskos В., Tzamouranis H.: Proposal for a Greek standard for the certification of active solar systems. CRES, Greece. 1994


Wennerhc*n H.: Rules for P-Marking of Thermal Solar Colectors. SP, Swedish National Testing and Research Institute, Energy Technology CEN TC 312/N 16, 1994


      Текст документа соответствует оригиналу. - Примечание изготовителя базы данных.    


ISO 9553:1997

Solar energy - Methods of testing preformed rubber seals and sealing compounds used in collectors



Solar energy - Transparent covers for collectors - Ageing test under stagnation conditions


Carlsson В., Frei U., Koehl M., Moeler K.: Accelerated life testing of solar energy materials. Case study of some selective solar absorber coating materials for DHW-systems. A report of Task X, solar materials research and development International Energy Agency, Solar Heating and Cooling Programme. February 1994. SP-Report 1994:13. ISBN 91-7848-472-3


     УДК 620.91:006.354

ОКС 27.160

Ключевые слова: солнечные коллекторы, поглотитель, внутренний тепловой удар, внешний тепловой удар, влагонепроницаемость, отражатели, изоляционные материалы

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М.: Стандартинформ, 2014