Статус документа
Статус документа

ГОСТ ISO 17511-2011 Изделия медицинские для диагностики in vitro. Измерение величин в биологических пробах. Метрологическая прослеживаемость значений, приписанных калибраторам и контрольным материалам


[1] ISO 3534-1:1993

Statistics; vocabulary and symbols; part 1: probability and general statistical terms (Статистика. Словарь и обозначения. Часть 1. Вероятность)

[2] ISO 15194:2002

In vitro diagnostic medical devices - Measurement of quantities in samples of biological origin - Description of reference materials (Изделия медицинские для диагностики in vitro. Измерение величин в пробах биологической природы. Описание стандартных образцов)

[3] ISO 15193:2002

In vitro diagnostic medical devices. Measurement of quantities in samples of biological origin. Presentation of reference measurement procedures (Изделия медицинские для диагностики in vitro. Измерение величин в пробах биологической природы. Описание методик референтных измерений)

[4] GUM

Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement, 1 edit., ISO, Geneve, 1993 (Руководство по выражению неопределенности измерения, подготовленное МБМВ, МЭК, МФКХЛМ, МСЧПФ и МОЗМ (Пер. с англ. - Санкт-Петербург: ВНИИМ им. Д.И.Менделеева, 1999)

[5] ISO 9000:2005

Quality management systems - Fundamentals and vocabulary (Системы менеджмента качества. Основные положения и словарь)

[6] ISO 5725-1:1994

Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results. Part 1. General principles and definitions (Точность (правильность и прецизионность) методов и результатов измерений. Часть 1. Общие принципы и определения)

[7] ISO 5725-2:1994

Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results. Part 2. Basic method for the determination of repeatability and reproducibility of a standard measurement method (Точность (правильность и прецизионность) методов и результатов измерений. Часть 2. Основной метод определения повторяемости и воспроизводимости стандартного метода измерений)

[8] ISO 5725-3:1994

Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results. Part 3. Intermediate measures of the precision of a standard measurement method (Точность (правильность и прецизионность) методов и результатов измерений. Часть 3. Промежуточные показатели прецизионности стандартного метода измерений)

[9] ISO 5725-4:1994

Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results. Part 4. Basic methods for the determination of the trueness of a standard measurement method (Точность (правильность и прецизионность) методов и результатов измерений. Часть 4. Основные методы определения правильности стандартного метода измерений)

[10] ISO 5725-5:1998

Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results. Part 5. Alternative methods for the determination of the precision of a standard measurement method (Точность (правильность и прецизионность) методов и результатов измерений. Часть 5. Альтернативные методы определения прецизионности стандартного метода измерений)

[11] ISO 5725-6:1994

Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results. Part 6. Use in practice of accuracy values (Точность (правильность и прецизионность) методов и результатов измерений. Часть 6. Использование значений точности на практике)


WHO Guidelines for the preparation, characterization and establishment of international and other .standards and reference reagents for biological substances. Techn Rep Ser 1990; No 800 (Annex 4): 181-214


Kobold U, Jeppsson JO, Dulfer T, Finke A, Hoelzel W, Miedema K. Candidate reference methods for HbA1 based on peptide mapping. Clin. Chem. 1997; 43: 1944-51


Clin. Lab.Haemat. 1994; 16: 131-138


Report of the Expert Committee on Biological Standardization's yearly meetings, WHO Technical Report series 1989-1997, and WHO Weekly Epidem. Rec., 1997-1999

ISO 18153:2003

In vitro diagnostic medical devices - Measurement of quantities in biological samples - Metrological traceability of values for catalytic concentration of enzymes assigned calibrators and control materials (Изделия медицинские для диагностики in vitro. Измерение величин в биологических пробах. Метрологическая прослеживаемость значений каталитической концентрации ферментов, приписанных калибраторам и контрольным материалам)

ISO/REMCO 181:1989

The hierarchy and traceability of certified reference materials (Иерархия и прослеживаемость аттестованных стандартных образцов)

ISO Guide 33:1989

Uses of certified reference materials (Использование аттестованных стандартных образцов)

ISO Guide 30:1992

Terms and definitions used in connection with reference materials (Термины и определения, касающиеся стандартных образцов)

ISO Guide 32:1997

Calibration in analytical chemistry and use of certified reference materials (Калибровка в аналитической химии и использование аттестованных стандартных образцов)

ENV 1614:1995

Health care informatics - Structure for nomenclature, classification, and coding of properties in clinical laboratory sciences (Информатика в медицине. Представление видов установленных свойств в лабораторной медицине)

Directive 98/79/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 October 1998 on in vitro diagnostic medical devices, OJ, 1998, No L 331

Bland JM, Altman DG. Statistical methods for assessing agreement between two methods of clinical measurement. Lancet 1986; 307-10

Bland JM, Altman DG. Comparing methods of measurement: why plotting difference against standard method is misleading. Lancet 1995; 1085-7

Buettner J. Reference methods as a basis for accurate measuring systems. Eur J Clin Chem Clin Biochem 1991; 29: 223-35

Dybkaer R. Reference materials - A main element in a coherent reference measurement system. . Eur J Clin Chem Clin Biochem 1991; 29: 241-6

Eurachem, CITAC. Quantifying uncertainty in analytical measurement. 2nd edit. 2000:ii+120 pp

European cooperation for Accreditation of Laboratories. Traceability of measuring and test equipment to national standards. EAL-G12. 1st ed. 1995-11

European Diagnostic Manufacturers Associaton. General Aspects of medical and metrological traceability in Laboratory Medicine. Position Paper. 2001-03-14, 8pp

Gramlich JW, Machlan LA, Britic KA, Kelly WR. Thermal ionization isotope dilution mass spectrometry as a definitive method for the determination of potassium in serum. Clin Chem 1982;28: 1309-13

Hyltoft Petersen P, Stockl D, Blaabjerg O, Pedersen B, Birkemose E, Thienpont L., et al. Graphical interpretation of analytical data from comparison of a field method with a reference method by use of difference plots. Clin Chem 1997;43: 2039-46

King B. Metrology in chemistry. Current activities and future requirements in Europe. Brussels: European Commission, DGXII/C/4, 1998-11: 31 pp

Kose V. Dissemination of units in Europe. Traceability and its assurance in a national and regional context. Metrologia 1994/95; 31: 457-66

National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards (NCCLS).Terminology and definitions for use in NCCLS Documents, Approved Standard, NRSCL8-A, 1998-11

National Institute of Standards and Technology. (Taylor BN, Kuyatt CE) Guidelines for evaluating and expressing the uncertainty of NIST measurement results. NIST Technical Note 1297. Washington: US Department of Commerce. 1994

Quinn TJ. Base units of the Systeme Internationale d'Unites, their accuracy, dissemination and international traceability. Metrologia 1994/95; 31: 515-27

Quinn TJ. Primary methods of measurement and primary standards. Metrologia 1997; 34: 61-5

Ricos C, Juvany R, Jimenez CV, Perich C, Minchinela J, Hernandez A, et al. Procedure for studying commutability validated by biological variation. Clin Chim Acta 1997; 268: 73-83

Rigg JC, Brown SS, Dybkaer R, Olesen H. Compendium of terminology and nomenclature of properties in clinical laboratory sciences (IUPAC/ IFCC Recommendations 1995). Oxford: Blackwell Science Ltd. 1995:xi+290

Stockl D, Franzini C, Kratochvila J, Middle J, Ricos C, Siekmann L, Thienpont LM. Analytical specifications of reference methods. Compilation and critical discussion (From the members of the European EQA - organizers Working Group B) [Review]. Eur J Clin Chem Clin Bochem 1996; 34: 319-37

Velapoldi RA, Paule RC, Schaffer R, Mandel J, Machlan LA, Gramlich JW. A reference method for the determination of potassium in serum (Special Publcation 260-60). Gaitersburg: National Bureau of Standards; 1979