Статус документа
Статус документа

ГОСТ Р ИСО 12509-2010 Машины землеройные. Осветительные, сигнальные и габаритные огни и светоотражатели



ISO 6016

Earth-moving machinery. Methods of measuring the masses of whole machines, their equipment and components


ISO 6746-1

Earth-moving machinery. Definitions of dimensions and symbols. Part 1. Base machine


ISO 6747

Earth-moving machinery. Tractor-dozers. Terminology and commercial specifications


ISO 7131

Earth-moving machinery. Loaders. Terminology and commercial specifications


ISO 7132

Earth-moving machinery. Dumpers. Terminology and commercial specifications


ISO 7133

Earth-moving machinery. Tractor-scrapers. Terminology and commercial specifications


ISO 7134

Earth-moving machinery. Graders. Terminology and commercial specifications


ISO 7135

Earth-moving machinery. Hydraulic excavators. Terminology and commercial specifications


ISO 7136

Earth-moving machinery. Pipe layers. Terminology and commercial specifications


CIE S004

Colours of Lights Signals)


International Commission on Illumination standard.

Электронный текст документа
подготовлен ЗАО "Кодекс" и сверен по:
официальное издание
М.: Стандартинформ, 2011