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ГОСТ Р ИСО/ТС 18308-2008 Информатизация здоровья. Требования к архитектуре электронного учета здоровья




Computer-based Patient Record Institute. Description of the Computer-based Patient Record (CPR) and Computer-based Patient Record System. May 1995


European Committee for Standartisation (CEN). Proceedings of the second EU-CEN workshop on the electronic healthcare record. CEN, 1997


CIO Council. A Practical Guide to Federal Enterprise Architecture. http://government.popkin.com/frameworks/ feaf.htm


Office of Health and the Information Highway, Tactical plan for a pan-Canadian Health infostructure, Health Canada, 2001


Zachman J. Enterprise Architecture: The Issue of the Century. Zachman International, 1996


AS 4390.3-1996 Australian Standard Records Management - Part 3: Strategies


ASTM E 1769-95 Standard Guide for Properties of Electronic Health Records and Record Systems


Dick R.S. and Steen E.B. The Computer-Based Patient Record: An Essential Technology for Health Care. US National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Medicine, 1991


CEN/TC 251/WG 1. PT011 EHCRA prENV 12265 Supporting Document


Computer-based Patient Record Institute. Description of the Computer-based Patient Record (CPR) and Computer-based Patient Record System. May 1995


Computer-based Patient Record Institute. Computer-based Patient Record Description of Content. August 1996


Camplin D.A. Synopsis of Requirements from The GEHR Architecture, GEHR Deliverables 19, 20 and 24


Lloyd D.S. and Dixon R.M. Proposed extensions and issues for GEHR, including PRISM experiences


Goossen W.T.F., Epping P.J.M.M., Dassen T., Criteria for Nursing Information Systems as a Component of the Electronic Patient Record - An International Delphi Study. Computers in Nursing, Vol.15, pp.307-315, and in: IMIA Yearbook 1999 of Medical Informatics, Jan van Bemmel, Alexa McCray (Eds), Schattauer Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, Stuttgart, pp.383-391


GEHR Requirements for Clinical Comprehensiveness. GEHR Project Deliverable 4, St. Bartholomew's Hospital Medical College, 1992. <http://www.chime.ucl.ac.uk/workareas/ehrs/GEHR/>


GEHR Requirements for Portability. GEHR Project Deliverable 5, St. Bartholomew's Hospital Medical College, 1993


Ethical and Legal Requirements of GEHR Architecture and Systems. Project Deliverable 8, St. Bartholomew's Hospital Medical College, 1994


Educational Requirements of GEHR Architecture and Systems. Project Deliverable 9, St. Bartholomew's Hospital Medical College, 1994


GEHR Deliverables 19, 20, 24 - "The GEHR Architecture" Version 1.0, 30/6/95, D.Ingram, D.Lloyd, D.Kalra, T.Beale, S.Heard, P.A.Grubb, R.M.Dixon, D.A.Camplin, J.C.Ellis, A.M.Maskens


The GEHR Object Model Technical Requirements. Rev 2.1 Draft B, Jun 2000. <http://www.gehr.org/technical/requirements/gehr_requirements.html>


National Electronic Health Record Taskforce (NEHRT). A Health Information Network for Australia. Report to [Australian] Health Ministers. Commonwealth of Australia, Department of Health and Aged Care. July 2000. ISBN 0 642 44668 7. <http://www.healthconnect.gov.au/>


I4C (Integration and Communication for the Continuity of Cardiac Care) Project HC1024 of the EU 4th framework. Deliverable 1: User Requirements and Functional Specification


I4C (Integration and Communication for the Continuity of Cardiac Care). Project HC1024 of the EU 4th framework. Deliverable 1: User Requirements and Functional Specification/ORCA. Work primarily built upon the Open Record for Care (ORCA). Model developed at Erasmus University, Rotterdam


ИСО/ТС 18307-2007 Информатизация здоровья. Требования к архитектуре электронного учета здоровья


Standards Australia, IT-14-9-2 EHR Working Group. Working papers. 2000


US Joint Commission for Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations. Information Management Standards. 2000


NIVEMES (A Network of Integrated Vеrtical Mеdical Services targeting ship vessels and remote populations) Project HC1035 of the EU 4th framework. Taken from "The Structure and the Basic Principles of the Telemedicine Project"


NIVEMES (A Network of Integrated Vеrtical Mеdical Services targeting ship vessels and remote populations)/a_med Line©. Project HC1035 of the EU 4th framework. Taken from "The Structure and the Basic Principles of the Telemedicine Project"


Nucleus (Customization Environment for Multimedia Integrated Patient Dossiers) Project A2025 of the EU 3rd framework. Taken from "Healthcare record architecture information: relevant projects" - (SAPHIS) Services, Architecture & Products for Health Information Systems, Paris


The New Zealand Electronic Medical Record Standard. Electronic Medical Records Standards Subcommittee. SC606, WG3 Draft v1.06, 25 February 1998


2002 EHR Design Principles. <http://www.openehr.org/cgi-bin/document_list>


Prestige (Guidelines in Healthcare). Project HC1040 of the EU 4th framework. Taken from "Healthcare record architecture information: relevant projects" - (SAPHIS) Services, Architecture & Products for Health Information Systems, Paris


RICHE ( d'Information et de Communication Hospitalier ), Project 2221 of the EU 2nd framework. Taken from "Healthcare record architecture information: relevant projects" - (SAPHIS) Services, Architecture & Products for Health Information Systems, Paris


Swedish Institute for Health Services Development (SPRI). A reference architecture for information systems in the health care domain. SPRI, 1998. ISSN 0281-6881


STAR, taken from "Healthcare record architecture information: relevant projects" - (SAPHIS) Services, Architecture & Products for Health Information Systems, Paris


EHCR-SupA. "Electronic Health Care Record Architecture: Consolidated List of Requirements." Version 1.4, May 2000. <http://www.chime.ucl.ac.uk/HealthI/EHCR-SupA>


SYNAPSES (Federated Healthcare Record Server). Project HC1046 of the EU 4th framework. Deliverable 1A from NORA and including technical requirements


ASTM E 1769-95 Standard Guide for Properties of Electronic Health Records and Record Systems

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