Acceleration of gravity | 2 |
Alignment sighting | 152 |
Angle of dip | 120 |
Astro-geodetic net | 65 |
Astro-gravimetric levelling | 22 |
Astronomic (al) azimuth | 56 |
Astronomic (al) coordinates | 31 |
Astronomic (al) latitude | 33 |
Astronomic (al) levelling | 21 |
Astronomic (al) longitude | 34 |
Astronomic (al) meridian | 32 |
Astronomic (al) zenith | 50 |
Astronomic (al) zenith distance | 53 |
Baric gradient | 100 |
Barometric height increment | 99 |
Barometric levelling | 98 |
Base | 90 |
Base expension figure | 91 |
Base extension | 91 |
Ваse-line | 86 |
Bench mark | 74 |
Central meridian | 60 |
Centre | 72 |
Check alignment peg | 151 |
Circular curve | 127 |
Combined intersection and resection | 83 |
Contour interval | 115 |
Contour line | 116 |
Control extension | 68 |
Convergence meridians | 61 |
Cross-section | 132 |
Curve besector | 136 |
Deviation of the plumb line | 20 |
Digital terrain model | 103 |
Direct geodetic problem | 62 |
Disturbing potential | 6 |
Dynamic height | 30 |
Earth ellipsoid | 14 |
Eагth spheroid | 17 |
Eccentric elements | 76 |
Elevation | 94 |
Equipotential surface | 10 |
Extended base | 93 |
Field sheet | 112 |
Field sketsh | 114 |
Geocentric coordinates | 36 |
Geocentric latitude | 39 |
Geocentric longitude | 40 |
Geocentric meridian | 37 |
Geocentric radius-vector | 38 |
Geodetic azimuth | 57 |
Geodetic base line | 90 |
Geodetic control | 108 |
Geodetic coordinates | 23 |
Geodetic framework | 64 |
Geodetic height | 27 |
Geodetic intersection | 80 |
Geodetic latitude | 25 |
Geodetic longitude | 26 |
Geodetic meridian | 24 |
Geodetic net | 64 |
Geodetic network | 64 |
Geodetic point | 70 |
Geodetic zenith | 51 |
Geodetic zenith distance | 54 |
Geographic (al) azimuth | 55 |
Geographic (al) coordinates | 35 |
Geoid | 11 |
Geoid heoght | 19 |
Geopotential height | 7 |
Gravity acceleration anomaly | 8 |
Gravity anomaly | 9 |
Gravity potential | 1 |
Grid bearing | 5 |
Grid reduction | 146 |
Horizontal angle | 47 |
Horizontal coordinates | 44 |
Horizontal distance | 58 |
Horizontal plane | 45 |
Inclination angle | 120 |
Intersection | 81 |
Inverse geodetic problem | 63 |
Laplace azimuth | 89 |
Laplace station | 88 |
Laying out | 125 |
Layout axis | 147 |
Layout grid | 144 |
Layout sketch | 143 |
Level ellipsoid | 16 |
Level spheroid | 18 |
Level surface | 10 |
Levelling | 95 |
Levelling net | 66 |
Longitudinal profile | 131 |
Mark | 73 |
Marking out | 125 |
Marking out of curve | 133 |
Normal gravity | 3 |
Normal gravity acceleration | 4 |
Normal gravity potential | 5 |
Normal height | 29 |
Orthometric height | 28 |
Outline | 114 |
Peg | 138 |
Pegging out | 125 |
Plan | 102 |
Plan table survey | 107 |
Plane coordinate | 42 |
Plane table station | 110 |
PIumb line | 13 |
Prime meridian | 41 |
Profile | 124 |
Reference ellipsoid | 15 |
Reference point | 85 |
Resection | 82 |
Setting out | 125 |
Setting out of curve | 133 |
Slope | 121 |
Spherop | 18 |
Spiral | 128 |
Spirit levelling | 96 |
Staking | 125 |
Standard geodetic datum | 87 |
Survey control | 69 |
Survey point | 109 |
Survey sheet | 112 |
Surveying peg | 111 |
Tacheometric survey | 105 |
Tangent | 135 |
Theodolite survey | 106 |
Theoretical height | 140 |
Topocentric coordinates | 43 |
Topographic map | 101 |
Topographic survey | 104 |
Tower | 71 |
Trace axis | 126 |
Transition curve | 128 |
Traverse | 84 |
Traversing | 78 |
Triangulation | 77 |
Trigonometric levelling | 97 |
Trilateration | 79 |
True height | 141 |
Vertical angle | 48 |
Vertical curve | 130 |
Vertical plane | 46 |
Witness mark | 75 |
Zenith | 49 |
Zenith distance | 52 |