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ГОСТ Р ИСО 16017-1-2007 Воздух атмосферный, рабочей зоны и замкнутых помещений. Отбор проб летучих органических соединений при помощи сорбционной трубки с последующей термодесорбцией и газохроматографическим анализом на капиллярных колонках. Часть 1. Отбор проб методом прокачки (с Поправкой)



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EN 1232:1993

Workplace atmospheres - Pumps for personal sampling of chemical agents - Requirements and test methods


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Ciccioli, P., Brancaleoni, E., Cecinato, A., Dipalo, C, Brachetti, A., Liberti, A. GC evaluation of the organic components present in the atmosphere at trace levels with the aid of Carbopack В for preconcantration of the sample. J. Chromatog., 351, (1986), pp.433-499


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UK Health and Safety Executive. Methods for the Determination of Hazardous Substances. Analytical quality in workplace air monitoring. MDHS 71. HSE: (1991) London


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UK Health and Safety Executive. Methods for the Determination of Hazardous Substances. Volatile organic compounds in air - Laboratory method using pumped solid sorbent tubes, thermal desorption and gas chromatography. MHDS 72. HSE: (1992) London


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Vandendriessche, S. et al. Certification of a Reference Material for Aro-matic Hedrocarbons in Tenax Samplers. Analyst, 116, (1991), pp.437-441


EN 482:1994

Workplace atmospheres - General requirements for performance of procedures for the measurement of chemical agents


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VDI 3482-6

Measurement of gaseous emissions: gas-chromatographic determination of organic compounds - Sampling by enrichment; thermal desorption

UK Health and Safety Executive. Methods for the Determination of Hazardous Substances. Generation of standard atmospheres - Syringe injection method MDHS 3. HSE: (1983) London

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